medcodeid freq final_term originalreadcode snomedctconceptid site 51875014 228630 Knee pain 1M10 30989003 Knee 416139010 115770 Low back pain N142-1 279039007 Back 764321000006112 81707 Foot pain N245-3 47933007 Foot/Ankle 493899010 77023 Ankle sprain S550 44465007 Foot/Ankle 483791000006115 57837 Ankle pain N245-1 247373008 Foot/Ankle 81982015 55430 Hip pain N094K-2 49218002 Hip/Pelvis 323987011 52874 Knee injury SK170 125601008 Knee 215271000000119 52679 Neck pain N131 81680005 Neck 40971000006113 49658 Juvenile osteochondrosis of tibial tubercle N3244 72047008 Knee 323989014 47784 Ankle injury SK172 125603006 Foot/Ankle 317435015 44983 Musculoskeletal chest pain R065A 281245003 Chest 501991000006110 44603 Back pain N145-2 161891005 Back 140741000006112 44381 Shoulder pain N245-7 45326000 Shoulder 323990017 41745 Foot injury SK173 125604000 Foot/Ankle 18423015 39216 Leg pain N245-6 10601006 Leg 693461000006115 34160 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue diseases N 312225001 Other 5621013 34016 Heel pain N245-5 2733002 Foot/Ankle 323965019 32175 Wrist injury SK132 125598003 Wrist 1231070017 31392 Finger injury SK154 52011008 Hand 252311015 28931 Backache 16C2 161891005 Back 453254017 28675 Injury of hand SK140 125599006 Hand 252315012 25570 Back pain without radiation NOS 16C6 161891005 Back 774741000006112 25505 Injury of toe SK17-1 282776008 Foot/Ankle 424342012 24707 Toe pain N2451-1 285365001 Foot/Ankle 317145011 24403 Musculoskeletal pain R01z2 279069000 Other 486291000006115 24304 Anterior knee pain N094W 239733006 Knee 252314011 23691 C/O - low back pain 16C5 161894002 Back 310825019 21977 Wrist joint pain N0943-1 202482009 Wrist 496587018 21861 Flat foot N34 53226007 Foot/Ankle 484754019 20215 Knee joint pain N0946-1 30989003 Knee 324041012 20156 Injury SKz 417163006 Other 494960013 20148 Foot pain 1M11 47933007 Foot/Ankle 323961011 20055 Injury of elbow SK130 125596004 Elbow 106571018 19654 Costochondritis N33zE 64109004 Chest 20135010 19253 Achilles tendinitis N2174 11654001 Foot/Ankle 323975016 19215 Thumb injury SK152 262520005 Hand 323972018 19150 Other finger injuries SK15 52011008 Hand 453253011 18985 Injury of wrist SK133 125598003 Wrist 311385019 17874 Plantar fasciitis N2179 202882003 Foot/Ankle 141799013 17386 Hypermobility syndrome N235 85551004 Multiple 906591000006118 16597 [RFC] Soft tissue injuries HNG0162 906591000006102 Multiple 437698016 15683 Rib pain 182B 297217002 Chest 108811000006114 14337 Temporomandibular joint disorder J046 41888000 Head 320169013 14336 Wrist sprain NOS S520z 70704007 Wrist 323956014 14275 Shoulder injury SK122 125594001 Shoulder 1222484010 14046 Musculoskeletal symptom R01-1 84869007 Other 221731000000119 13983 Pain in leg N2452 10601006 Leg 815651000006110 13750 Hand pain N245-4 53057004 Hand 311482017 13595 Ganglion of wrist N2245 202942009 Wrist 31828016 13498 Finger pain N2450-2 18876004 Hand 739261000006118 13453 Arm injury SK131-1 127278005 Arm 317574012 13408 Groin pain R090B 102570003 Hip/Pelvis 1222482014 13287 Generalised aches and pains R00z2-1 82991003 Multiple 764331000006110 12561 Foot pain N2451 47933007 Foot/Ankle 248581000006113 11890 Joint pain N094 57676002 Other 80869018 11809 Muscle strain N23yD 48532005 Other 60196010 11481 Chondromalacia patellae N074 36071006 Knee 165844010 11415 Arm pain N245-2 102556003 Arm 312729010 11225 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorder Nz 312225001 Other 497076011 11206 Knee sprain S54-1 54888009 Knee 323973011 11140 Injury of finger SK150 52011008 Hand 443831012 10363 Jaw pain R040z-1 274667000 Head 150521017 10192 Pain in limb N245 90834002 Other 317103014 9875 [D]Nervous and musculoskeletal symptoms R01 496031000000102 Other 1230712018 9676 Foot sprain S551 49388007 Foot/Ankle 221721000000116 9600 Pain in thumb N2450-1 300955002 Hand 1228298012 9560 Arthralgia of multiple joints N0949 35678005 Multiple 75568012 9451 Shoulder pain N2457 45326000 Shoulder 405083016 8963 Wry neck/torticollis 16A3 270476009 Neck 165907014 8820 Chest wall pain 182C 102588006 Chest 114543015 8658 Muscle pain N2410-2 68962001 Other 369388017 8448 Ankle pain 1M13 247373008 Foot/Ankle 320110018 8365 Sprains and strains of joints and adjacent muscles S5 209409002 Other 60171000006117 8357 Whiplash injury S5700-2 39848009 Neck 502061000006113 8192 Backache symptom 16C 161891005 Back 402920010 8180 Sprains and strains NOS S5z 209409002 Multiple 94135011 8179 Pain in wrist 1M01 56608008 Wrist 3216431000006113 8151 Sprain of ankle ^ESCTSP321643 44465007 Foot/Ankle 145941000006116 8093 Osteochondritis of the calcaneum N3252 23890000 Foot/Ankle 320295018 7999 Neck sprain S570 209557005 Neck 323988018 7991 Injury of lower extremity SK171 127279002 Leg 400286017 7471 Backache, unspecified N145 161891005 Back 312420013 7402 Idiopathic scoliosis N3730 203639008 Back 455791000006110 7308 Acute thoracic back pain N141-1 279035001 Back 503862017 7300 Thigh pain N245-8 78514002 Leg 312419019 7230 Kyphoscoliosis and scoliosis N373 203638000 Back 325463018 7222 Injury of foot Syu9 125604000 Foot/Ankle 694101000006113 6738 Muscle injury / strain S5yz1 48532005 Other 309829012 6702 Juvenile arthritis N045 239796000 Other 807281000006112 6523 Groin strain S53-1 281543009 Hip/Pelvis 496539011 6307 Hand pain N2450 53057004 Hand 131171000006111 6299 Sprain of wrist S520 70704007 Wrist 58058010 6295 Coccygodynia N1472 34789001 Back 198184013 6121 Hip joint pain N0945-2 49218002 Hip/Pelvis 1682431000006119 5811 Wrist pain N094F-1 56608008 Wrist 317575013 5803 Loin pain R090C 271857006 Hip/Pelvis 230261000006118 5715 Acquired pes planus N340 203534009 Foot/Ankle 492282010 5515 Whiplash injury S5704 39848009 Neck 416146018 5483 Mechanical low back pain 16CA 279040009 Back 123426014 5246 Elbow pain 1M00-1 74323005 Elbow 407053012 5194 C/O - foot symptom 1D28-2 272014002 Foot/Ankle 403060017 4859 Other hand injury, excluding finger SK14 125599006 Hand 710171000006119 4643 Swelling of finger 1834 299060006 Hand 248531000006112 4622 Pain in arm N2453 102556003 Arm 400319017 4522 Soft tissue disorder N24z 19660004 Other 109021000006119 4499 Tendonitis NOS N21z2-1 34840004 Other 815191000006110 4437 Acquired hallux valgus N350 65358001 Foot/Ankle 323946010 4406 Traumatic and/or non-traumatic injury of back SK114 712893003 Back 442156014 4380 Calf pain N2454 300954003 Leg 400284019 4376 Pain in lumbar spine N142 267982002 Back 397897014 4310 Ankle swelling 1832 267039000 Foot/Ankle 319624010 4198 Dislocation of knee NOS S46z 269112001 Knee 312428018 4139 Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis N3737 203646004 Back 165836010 4128 Cramp in lower limb N2471 449917004 Leg 310982017 4092 Clicking joint N099 202596000 Other 323939018 4057 Injury of neck SK10y 90460009 Neck 165730010 4047 Growing pains 16Z2 102482005 Other 598331000006118 4036 Costochondritis NOS N30z8-1 64109004 Chest 312598012 3975 Scoliosis deformity of spine Nyu55 298382003 Back 400283013 3956 Pain in thoracic spine N141 267981009 Back 391057017 3890 Muscle sprain NOS S5z-3 48532005 Other 101001000006111 3887 Sprain of thumb S5210-2 263130004 Hand 311474017 3881 Ganglion and cyst of synovium, tendon and bursa N224 202936005 Other 359208019 3858 Anterior knee pain 1M12 239733006 Knee 252446012 3695 Anterior chest wall pain 1824 161973001 Chest 345241000000114 3689 Pain in coccyx N1472-1 34789001 Back 391249010 3679 Ligament sprain S5z-2 398878007 Other 320256019 3675 Knee sprain NOS S54y 54888009 Knee 319412012 3668 Dislocation of shoulder S41z 417076003 Shoulder 317265011 3629 Facial pain R0400 95668009 Head 123425013 3546 Pain in elbow 1M00 74323005 Elbow 320318018 3507 Back sprain S57z 281598004 Back 39291010 3441 Congenital pes planus PE61 23407003 Foot/Ankle 710161000006114 3428 Sprain of ligament of finger S5210-1 263129009 Hand 693501000006115 3401 Musculoskeletal pain - joints N096-2 57676002 Multiple 391098012 3356 Hamstring sprain S53-2 262992000 Leg 194090018 3354 Injury of lower leg SK175 125602001 Leg 853731000006117 3254 Painful right knee EGTON279 853731000006101 Knee 437673017 3248 Ganglion of hand N224B 297193007 Hand 370925016 3217 Swollen knee 16J4 248491001 Knee 240041000006111 3195 Patellar tendinitis N2164 37785001 Knee 400314010 3187 Myalgia N2410 68962001 Other 400281010 3043 Torticollis N135z 70070008 Neck 454070017 3041 C/O - pain in big toe 1D131-1 310484009 Foot/Ankle 400300010 3040 Tendinitis N21z2 34840004 Other 490651000006110 2991 Pes planus N34z-1 53226007 Foot/Ankle 402889014 2962 Dislocation or subluxation of knee S46 269112001 Knee 360303015 2926 Perthes' disease - osteochondritis of the femoral head N3211 111255008 Hip/Pelvis 297707010 2873 Pain in lower limb 1M1 10601006 Leg 484753013 2838 Arthralgia of knee N094M 30989003 Knee 310840017 2825 Ankle joint pain N0947-1 202490009 Foot/Ankle 130611000006116 2805 Sprain finger S523 263129009 Hand 222521000000119 2798 Contusion of foot SE420 74814004 Foot/Ankle 311394013 2795 Anterior shin splints N21y0 202888004 Leg 402882017 2771 Dislocation or subluxation of shoulder S41 269105005 Shoulder 320145014 2742 Sprain of wrist and hand S52 209436000 Hand/Wrist 637511000006115 2681 Elbow joint pain N0942-1 202480001 Elbow 414623018 2643 Swollen toe 16J1 277890004 Foot/Ankle 252296010 2587 Stiff neck 16A2 161882006 Neck 5700371000006119 2578 Pain in toe ^ESCTPA570037 285365001 Foot/Ankle 252316013 2569 C/O - upper back ache 16C7 161896000 Back 38727013 2559 Sciatica N143 23056005 Back 402918012 2558 Neck sprain, unspecified S5700 209557005 Neck 411865013 2522 O/E - soft tissue swelling 2HC-1 275897000 Other 3672071000006112 2491 Osgood Schlatter disease ^ESCTOS367207 72047008 Knee 494279018 2380 Leg bruise SE4-1 45613006 Leg 320147018 2372 Wrist sprain S5200 70704007 Wrist 507743013 2368 Hand sprain S521 87778004 Hand 130991000006117 2303 Sprain thumb S522 263130004 Hand 398008014 2302 C/O - a chest wall symptom 1D22-1 267107009 Chest 1480387016 2293 Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome J0464 386207004 Head 320130019 2277 Sprain of shoulder S50y 3199001 Shoulder 415893017 2276 Acute back pain - lumbar N142-3 278862001 Back 437674011 2251 Ganglion of foot N224C 297194001 Foot/Ankle 403059010 2222 Injury of forearm SK131 125597008 Arm 116373011 2197 Wry neck N135z-2 70070008 Neck 2548690012 2180 Exostosis N21z7 416189003 Other 455801000006111 2169 Acute back pain - unspecified N145-1 161891005 Back 1222991015 2133 Contusion, knee SE411 22878006 Knee 320270019 2133 Ankle sprain NOS S550z 44465007 Foot/Ankle 325451011 2122 Sprain of knee Syu84 54888009 Knee 320262012 2096 Sprain, ankle joint, lateral S5502 209532000 Foot/Ankle 359206015 2096 Patellofemoral disorder N09A 239732001 Knee 106879011 2051 Mallet finger N361 64298006 Hand 310640019 2000 Effusion of knee N090M 202381003 Knee 486238018 1997 Multiple joint pain N0949-99 35678005 Multiple 240031000006118 1992 Recurrent dislocation of the patellofemoral joint N0836-2 202246002 Knee 568471000006114 1977 Closed traumatic dislocation of patellofemoral joint S463 208929003 Knee 587351000006110 1927 Non-traumatic slipped upper femoral epiphysis N322 26460006 Hip/Pelvis 755441000006119 1879 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis - Still's disease N043 410795001 Other 320377019 1863 Complete tear, knee, anterior cruciate ligament S5C3 209629006 Knee 162641000006113 1834 Sprain of costal cartilage S5y3 209799008 Chest 320220017 1827 Sprain of wrist and/or hand S52z 209436000 Hand/Wrist 323960012 1815 Injury of upper extremity SK13 127278005 Elbow 312426019 1812 Postural scoliosis N3736 203645000 Back 624151000006118 1777 Disorder of patella N09AX 721291009 Knee 14156061000006115 1774 Pain of knee region ^ESCT1415606 1003722009 Knee 320143019 1766 Elbow sprain S51y 263128001 Elbow 323980013 1765 Injury of hip region SK160 125600009 Hip/Pelvis 252294013 1757 Stiff neck symptom 16A 161880003 Neck 50413010 1748 Tietze's disease N336 30128009 Chest 319441015 1736 Dislocation of elbow joint S42z 417558002 Elbow 483871000006113 1709 Swollen ankle 1832-1 267039000 Foot/Ankle 1777678019 1708 Ehlers-Danlos syndrome PGy2 398114001 Other 310455016 1706 Recurrent dislocation of the patella N083p 202246002 Knee 311380012 1688 Metatarsalgia N2172 10085004 Foot/Ankle 2476417011 1669 Swollen hand 16J6 299037003 Hand 28870010 1660 Prepatellar bursitis N2165 17059001 Knee 106745019 1659 Curvature of spine N37 64217002 Back 437603016 1656 Swollen foot 16J7 297142003 Foot/Ankle 135862013 1646 Sprain of medial collateral ligament of knee S541 81902001 Knee 76654019 1639 Acquired pectus carinatum N3832 45973002 Chest 496589015 1613 Fallen arches N34-1 53226007 Foot/Ankle 325470018 1587 Sprain of foot Syu96 49388007 Foot/Ankle 232231000006111 1573 Injury - disorder SN552-2 417746004 Other 481614012 1567 Temporomandibular sprain S5y11 23415000 Head 310995010 1558 Clicking knee N099C 202609006 Knee 398007016 1552 Symptom: chest wall 1D22 267107009 Chest 123444018 1543 Spasmodic torticollis F1382 74333002 Neck 13682017 1523 Trochanteric bursitis N2157 7674000 Hip/Pelvis 1485976019 1517 Acquired pectus excavatum N3833 391986001 Chest 310992013 1507 Clicking hip N0999 202606004 Hip/Pelvis 5139361000006116 1442 Juvenile chronic arthritis ^ESCTJU513936 239796000 Other 402890017 1426 Acute meniscal tear, medial S460 269113006 Knee 310826018 1425 Arthralgia of wrist N094F 202482009 Wrist 2881271000006115 1402 Sever's disease ^ESCTSE288127 23890000 Foot/Ankle 391105019 1399 Toe sprain S5513-1 262998001 Foot/Ankle 325413011 1392 [X]Injuries to the wrist and hand Syu6 125599006 Hand/Wrist 400305017 1392 Ganglion cyst N2243 445008009 Other 400280011 1390 Torticollis unspecified N135 70070008 Neck 400345014 1384 Flat foot NOS N34z 53226007 Foot/Ankle 319530015 1376 Dislocation of finger or thumb not otherwise specified S44z 269111008 Hand 86578011 1375 Acquired genu valgum N3640 52012001 Knee 415888015 1374 Chronic low back pain 16C9 278860009 Back 88799019 1366 Scheuermann's disease N3201 53406005 Back 1772881000006115 1359 Scoliosis of thoracic spine EMISNQSC20 298494008 Back 2552628011 1358 Aching muscles 1DCC 68962001 Multiple 2476418018 1342 Swollen finger 1834-1 299060006 Hand 628221000006110 1342 Generalised benign joint hypermobility N235-1 240261009 Other 317144010 1321 Growing pains in limbs R01z1 102482005 Multiple 312431017 1265 Kyphoscoliosis or scoliosis NOS N373z 64217002 Back 311416012 1248 Synovitis and tenosynovitis N220 202900007 Other 1871131000006116 1241 Lower back injury Syu37 282766005 Back 734841000006119 1241 Knee locking N07yH 1126007 Knee 114111014 1236 Acquired unequal leg length N36y0 203601000 Leg 131591000006117 1227 Strain of Achilles tendon S5504 22817005 Foot/Ankle 319565015 1227 Acute meniscal tear, lateral S461 208921000 Knee 402888018 1216 Dislocation or subluxation of finger or thumb S44 269111008 Hand 215431000000115 1212 Torticollis - symptom 16A3-1 70070008 Neck 1230691015 1209 Arthralgia of hip N094K 49218002 Hip/Pelvis 320111019 1207 Sprain of shoulder and upper arm S50 123536004 Shoulder 206425010 1196 Complex regional pain syndrome F369 128200000 Multiple 4077121000006117 1194 Inguinal pain ^ESCTIN407712 102570003 Hip/Pelvis 2645968013 1169 Hyperextension injury of finger S523F 423657003 Hand 494277016 1156 Contusion, lower leg SE410 45613006 Leg 407052019 1155 C/O - ankle symptom 1D28-1 272013008 Foot/Ankle 320258018 1135 Sprain of ankle and foot S55 209529003 Foot/Ankle 620911000006112 1115 Walking disability N097 228158008 Leg 310993015 1114 Multiple clicking joints N099A 202607008 Multiple 7278014 1112 Arthritis N06z-1 3723001 Other 136713011 1104 Chronic pain 1M52 82423001 Other 3060241000006112 1103 Pain in the coccyx ^ESCTPA306024 34789001 Back 454068014 1100 C/O - pain in toe 1D130 310483003 Foot/Ankle 311343018 1091 Tennis elbow N2132-1 202855006 Elbow 310855014 1085 Arthralgia N094z 57676002 Other 402914014 1080 Sprain of knee and leg S54 269137006 Knee 1573941000006111 1078 Thoracic back pain EMISNQTH14 279038004 Back 398010011 1069 Symptom of ankle or foot 1D28 267109007 Foot/Ankle 442155013 1066 Axillary pain N2455 300953009 Arm 312238013 1054 Clavicle pain N33A1 203509009 Shoulder 4378771000006115 1047 Injury of ankle ^ESCTIN437877 125603006 Foot/Ankle 459326017 1025 Swollen thumb 16J2 314916002 Hand 95473010 1020 Carpal tunnel syndrome F340 57406009 Wrist 14156051000006117 991 Pain of joint of knee ^ESCT1415605 1003721002 Knee 46720015 990 Laxity of ligament N234 27911000 Other 136950019 983 Osteochondritis dissecans N327 82562007 Other 21633013 979 Bone pain N33A 12584003 Other 400335012 963 Osteochondritis N32z2 70736000 Other 312274016 961 Hammer toe N354 122481008 Foot/Ankle 421171017 956 Calf injury SK174 282775007 Leg 745601000006117 956 Irritable hip N064K-1 301813003 Hip/Pelvis 400244011 944 Shoulder joint pain N0941-1 267949000 Shoulder 2645967015 932 Hyperextension injury of thumb S5227 422444006 Hand 753081000006115 926 Knock-kneed N3640-1 299330008 Knee 939761000006119 921 Musculoskeletal pain mild EMISNQMU3 939761000006103 Other 709441000006113 919 Fibromyalgia N239 203082005 Multiple 251922014 915 Chest wall tenderness 1D220 102591006 Chest 323981012 915 Injury of thigh SK161 7523003 Leg 116082011 911 Rheumatoid arthritis N040 69896004 Other 310639016 897 Knee joint effusion N0906-1 202381003 Knee 320247010 897 Partial tear, knee, anterior cruciate ligament S5421 209520004 Knee 137150010 893 Baker's cyst N224A-1 82675004 Knee 320259014 885 Ankle sprain, unspecified S5500 44465007 Foot/Ankle 320319014 884 Pulled back muscle S57z0 209574005 Back 494319014 882 Retrosternal pain 1829 4568003 Chest 169727012 865 Injury of musculoskeletal system ESCTIN21 105606008 Other 416149013 865 Pain in buttock N245-9 279043006 Hip/Pelvis 310271019 859 Patellofemoral maltracking N07y6 202114006 Knee 91936014 857 Cramp N2472 55300003 Other 125937016 853 Acute polyarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis N0431 75822003 Multiple 87741000006114 853 Acquired trigger finger N2203 1539003 Hand 320206012 850 Volar plate injury, finger, proximal interphalangeal joint S523B 209489004 Hand 2472447010 848 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis N0455 410795001 Other 252450017 841 Costal margin chest pain 182B0 161977000 Chest 320307018 831 Lumbar sprain S572 209565008 Back 749561000006115 825 Lateral epicondylitis of elbow N2132 202855006 Elbow 512242016 806 Pain in face 1M3 95668009 Head 1221607010 801 Hip sprain S53-3 17883008 Hip/Pelvis 312116015 794 Apophysitis N32z0 29321007 Other 2673129012 788 Olecranon bursitis N2133 425940002 Elbow 8258016 785 Repetitive strain injury Ny2 4308002 Other 194108018 781 Dislocation of thumb S44-1 125620005 Hand 402553012 779 O/E - soft tissue abnormality 2HC 268993003 Other 402911018 779 Sprain of elbow and forearm S51 269134004 Elbow 317086019 772 [D]Pain, generalized R00z2 82991003 Multiple 54781000006115 768 Wry neck symptom 16A3-2 70070008 Neck 582641000006117 767 Congenital valgus deformity of knee PF641 89689008 Knee 131181000006114 764 Sprain of ligament of acromioclavicular joint S500 27182002 Shoulder 309828016 764 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis NOS N043z 410795001 Other 106921000006111 753 Thoracic back sprain S571 274162005 Back 323977012 748 Other finger injuries NOS SK15z 52011008 Hand 311252013 744 Lumbago with sciatica N1420 202794004 Back 158058014 730 Intercostal myalgia N2410-1 95421005 Other 2532921014 728 Acquired kyphosis N371 413428007 Back 322801017 726 Contusion wrist or hand SE32 211506004 Hand/Wrist 400251019 714 Arthralgia of the ankle and foot N0947 267954009 Foot/Ankle 142291000006114 702 Sinding - Larsen's disease - osteochondrosis of the secondary patella centre N3243-1 203389008 Knee 121239018 701 Thoracogenic scoliosis N3735 72992003 Back 896341000006114 701 Sprained ankle S550-99 44465007 Foot/Ankle 891891000006116 699 Pain in left leg N245-96 287047008 Leg 598311000006112 698 Costochondral joint syndrome N336-1 64109004 Chest 323949015 697 Injury of groin SK117 11805005 Hip/Pelvis 159841000006114 696 Sacroiliac sprain N146z-1 12519004 Back 400250018 694 Arthralgia of the lower leg N0946 267953003 Leg 891881000006119 694 Pain in right leg N245-95 287048003 Leg 6901791000006119 693 Dislocation of shoulder joint ^ESCTDI690179 417076003 Shoulder 794581000006117 685 Freiberg's disease N3253 28466007 Foot/Ankle 123542016 683 Pauciarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis N0432 74391003 Other 14153011 682 Bunionette N359 7951001 Foot/Ankle 454086012 680 [X]Unspecified injury of wrist and hand Syu6M 125599006 Hand/Wrist 507071014 675 Claw toe - acquired N355 86380000 Foot/Ankle 411301012 673 Shoulder strain S50w-1 275334004 Shoulder 369379014 669 Acute back pain with sciatica N143-1 247366003 Back 182691000006118 664 Recurrent dislocation of shoulder region N0831 30556007 Shoulder 297602013 659 Muscular dystrophies and other myopathies F39 75047002 Other 311455013 658 Transient synovitis N220Q 202924004 Other 416143014 658 Lumbago N142-4 279039007 Back 251425018 655 Pain in upper limb 1M0 102556003 Arm 605971000006115 654 Bone cyst N332 203465002 Other 807451000006115 654 Growing pains symptom 16Z2-1 102482005 Other 312438011 649 Scoliosis associated with other condition N3743 64217002 Back 312599016 645 Spinal fusion Nyu56 55705006 Back 373033016 640 Knee gives way N0966-1 250102002 Knee 359560012 626 Tenosynovitis of wrist N2205-2 442048005 Wrist 1494890011 623 Sprain of hip and thigh S53 17883008 Hip/Pelvis 2551985013 621 Developmental dysplasia of the hip PF631-1 52781008 Hip/Pelvis 130158018 617 Ganglion of joint N2241 78435003 Other 310997019 617 Clicking ankle N099E 202611002 Foot/Ankle 311041010 617 Sacroiliitis N102 55146009 Back 372654019 616 Pes cavus PE71-2 36755004 Foot/Ankle 55627011 610 Psoriatic arthropathy M160 33339001 Other 319531016 609 Dislocation of hip joint S45 157265008 Hip/Pelvis 309972017 604 Osteoarthritis of multiple joints N054 268054009 Multiple 311744014 595 Tender heel pad N2456 203131005 Foot/Ankle 312303013 591 Persistent femoral anteversion N3634 203561009 Hip/Pelvis 310803013 587 Hand joint pain N0944-1 202472008 Hand 183001000006111 585 Recurrent subluxation of patella S46D 202248001 Knee 400297017 583 Bursitis of knee N2160 111243002 Knee 310940016 581 Knee joint finding N096M 299321000 Knee 75415016 581 Infrapatellar bursitis N2166 45231001 Knee 312523013 579 [X]Other juvenile arthritis Nyu15 239796000 Other 402912013 569 Sprain of hand S5210 87778004 Hand 5887131000006115 566 Pain in calf ^ESCTPA588713 300954003 Leg 404201000006115 562 Osteopenia NyuBC 312894000 Other 713261000006110 562 Medial epicondylitis of elbow N2131 53286005 Elbow 131491000006116 559 Strain of quadriceps tendon S533 209507002 Leg 320281016 553 Ankle and foot sprain NOS S55z 209529003 Foot/Ankle 302130018 551 Temporomandibular joint disorder NOS J046z 41888000 Head 400301014 546 Exostosis of unspecified site N21z3 416189003 Other 400304018 545 Bursitis N223 84017003 Other 323957017 544 Injury of upper arm SK123 125595000 Arm 403061018 540 Other knee, leg, ankle and foot injuries SK17 127279002 Knee 400302019 530 Tenosynovitis N2205 67801009 Hand 2649445015 529 Iliotibial band friction syndrome N2159 423849004 Leg 454069018 527 C/O - pain in hallux 1D131 310484009 Foot/Ankle 391096011 526 Forearm sprain S51-1 262990008 Arm 400289012 525 Disorder of back N14z 33308003 Back 2196791000000119 520 Rheumatoid arthritis annual review 66HB0 847261000000104 Other 372797015 520 Stiff neck NOS N135z-1 161882006 Neck 310792015 517 Arthralgia of unspecified site N0940 57676002 Other 317427018 515 [D]Anterior chest wall pain R0652 161973001 Chest 1494891010 514 Thigh sprain S53-4 17883008 Leg 310457012 511 Recurrent subluxation of the patella N083q 202248001 Knee 36573015 504 de Quervain's disease N2204-1 21794005 Hand 2214301000000116 503 Chronic regional pain syndrome F369-1 128200000 Other 309413012 500 Scleroderma N001 89155008 Other 391100012 496 Leg sprain S54-2 262994004 Leg 1874161000006110 493 Child young persons injury - other soft tissue EMISNQCH196 1874161000006106 Other 320316019 491 Coccyx sprain S574 90631008 Back 318040019 490 [X]Other chronic pain Ryu70 82423001 Multiple 111967016 484 Instability of joint N08y-2 67374007 Other 325412018 479 [X]Unspecified injury of elbow and forearm Syu5G 127278005 Elbow 2579112017 478 C/O - lumbar pain 1A53-2 161894002 Back 221671000006119 476 Polyarthropathy N065-1 36186002 Multiple 312265018 474 Hypermobile flat foot N3400 203531001 Foot/Ankle 443295011 473 Irritable hip N0965-2 301813003 Hip/Pelvis 122060015 471 Adolescent postural kyphosis N370 73507002 Back 310856010 469 Joint stiffness N095 84445001 Other 312294013 468 Flexion deformity of finger N3623 203554005 Hand 452701000006110 468 Ache in joint N094-1 57676002 Other 164851000006115 467 Strain of rotator cuff of shoulder S504 74779009 Shoulder 891901000006117 465 Pain in right arm N245-97 90834002 Arm 334283017 464 Achilles bursitis N2173 221695002 Foot/Ankle 310802015 463 Arthralgia of the hand N0944 202472008 Hand 311686012 463 Other soft tissue disorders N24 19660004 Other 132837018 460 Swelling of limb N2470 80068009 Other 320280015 459 Foot sprain NOS S551z 49388007 Foot/Ankle 131521000006119 458 Sprain of shoulder joint S507 3199001 Shoulder 320210010 457 Sprain tendon wrist or hand S524 209493005 Hand/Wrist 2968012 450 Locked knee N07y5 1126007 Knee 311701010 450 Myositis N2411 26889001 Other 319552012 450 Dislocation of hip NOS S45z 157265008 Hip/Pelvis 311681019 438 Spasm of back muscles N23yE 203095000 Back 221661000006114 435 Inflammatory polyarthritis N065z-1 417373000 Multiple 319413019 435 Dislocation or subluxation of elbow S42 208782004 Elbow 407048019 434 C/O - a back symptom 1D24-1 272009001 Hip/Pelvis 800781000006116 434 Generalised aches and pains 1DC8 82991003 Multiple 20001010 429 Snapping hip N2158 11568002 Hip/Pelvis 256003019 423 O/E - finger joint abnormal 2H27 164514009 Hand 406696011 421 Swollen joint 16J3 271771009 Other 400318013 416 Finding of limb structure N247z 302293008 Other 253293011 412 Symptom: lower limb 1D27 162430004 Leg 256013010 412 O/E - joint swelling 2H3 164524001 Other 493021000006115 411 Arthropathy NOS N06z 399269003 Other 140831000006110 410 Shoulder tendonitis N2125 442520000 Shoulder 1784692011 409 Juvenile dermatomyositis N0030 1212005 Other 325446017 409 [X]Injuries to the knee and lower leg Syu8 125602001 Knee 453781000006111 408 Acquired deformity of toe N35 42251007 Foot/Ankle 1232667017 406 Acquired cavovarus foot deformity N3675 65362007 Foot/Ankle 5606021000006110 403 Toe swelling ^ESCTTO560602 277890004 Foot/Ankle 325376013 400 Injury of shoulder and upper arm Syu4 699062006 Shoulder 323924019 398 Traumatic AND/OR non-traumatic injury SK1 417163006 Other 391132012 398 Anterior dislocation of shoulder S4101-1 263021005 Shoulder 359759017 394 Costochondritis NOS N33zz-1 64109004 Chest 495737017 393 Complex regional pain syndrome type I N33C 128200000 Multiple 5461071000006116 392 Sprain of ligament of elbow ^ESCTSP546107 263128001 Elbow 402880013 387 Dislocation of joint S4 108367008 Other 325317013 385 [X]Injuries to the neck Syu1 90460009 Neck 131401000006111 384 Sprain of lateral collateral ligament of knee S5400 35726004 Knee 493439016 381 Trigger thumb N2203-1 42786005 Hand 80525019 381 Congenital dislocation of hip PE30 48334007 Hip/Pelvis 633361000006118 379 Congenital dysplasia of the hip PE34 52781008 Hip/Pelvis 5669011 370 Joint crepitus N096-1 2764000 Other 325395018 369 [X]Injuries to the elbow and forearm Syu5 125597008 Arm 311417015 365 Synovitis or tenosynovitis NOS N2200 202900007 Other 32624019 362 Ganglion of tendon sheath N2242 19354008 Other 496608016 361 Golfer's elbow N2131-1 53286005 Elbow 896231000006112 360 Sprain - wrist S52-99 209436000 Wrist 411296012 358 Dislocation of radius - distal S4300-2 275329003 Wrist 461541016 351 [Q] Osteochondral Zw023 316885008 Other 3141251000006116 350 Whiplash injury to neck ^ESCTWH314125 39848009 Neck 320305014 349 Neck sprain NOS S570z 209557005 Neck 784571000006116 348 Impingement syndrome of shoulder region N2124 239960007 Shoulder 1777368010 346 Avascular necrosis of bone N334 397758007 Other 5652861000006115 345 Strain of tendon of medial thigh muscle ^ESCTST565286 281543009 Leg 311485015 344 Ganglion of ankle N2248 202945006 Foot/Ankle 411303010 343 Short Achilles tendon N22y0-1 275336002 Foot/Ankle 312465016 342 Acquired spondylolisthesis N384 203681002 Back 320257011 341 Leg sprain NOS S54z 262994004 Leg 311325017 339 Supraspinatus tendinitis N2113 202841003 Shoulder 324040013 335 Other injury NOS SK1z 417163006 Other 5460041000006118 333 Dislocation of patellofemoral joint ^ESCTDI546004 263029007 Knee 5836761000006118 332 Foot swelling ^ESCTFO583676 297142003 Foot/Ankle 9611013 329 Recurrent dislocation of joint N083 5137004 Other 5861961000006118 328 Swelling of hand ^ESCTSW586196 299037003 Hand 311279012 327 Coccyx disorder NOS N147z 61296009 Back 764251000006114 324 Foot-drop N36A 6077001 Foot/Ankle 130721000006116 321 Strain of gastrocnemius tendon S54x1 269138001 Leg 311445014 318 Extensor tenosynovitis of wrist N220D 202914007 Wrist 476266016 316 Strain of neck muscle ESCTST7 360450007 Neck 892611000006119 316 Flat foot - pes planus N34-99 53226007 Foot/Ankle 400905013 312 Longitudinal deficiency of lower limb PF30 66078008 Leg 41386013 309 Fibromyalgia N248 203082005 Multiple 253258016 308 C/O: stiffness 1D12 162411004 Other 310246017 301 Discoid lateral meniscus N071B 202099003 Knee 311272015 301 Sacroiliac disorder N1466 202805003 Back 402551014 301 O/E - shoulder joint abnormal 2H23 268991001 Shoulder 523531000006112 299 Boutonniere deformity of finger N3621 43234007 Hand 359310019 293 Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis N0452 239803008 Other 131351000006115 291 Strain of hamstring tendon S535 209509004 Leg 2725761000000117 291 Pain in upper arm ^ESCT1171528 1088071000000108 Arm 451408018 291 O/E - Right foot deformity 2G58 308103003 Foot/Ankle 87820017 291 Congenital hip dysplasia PF631 52781008 Hip/Pelvis 400259017 288 Joint problem N096 298266002 Other 312286018 287 Acquired toe deformity NOS N35z 42251007 Foot/Ankle 320205011 285 Volar plate injury, finger, metacarpophalangeal joint S523A 209488007 Hand 311132015 284 Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc N122-1 202708005 Back 400245012 284 Arthralgia of the shoulder region N0941 267949000 Shoulder 899331000006111 283 Foot injury SK173-99 628791000000105 Foot/Ankle 16833013 280 Ankylosing spondylitis N100 9631008 Back 311320010 279 Rotator cuff syndrome N211 4106009 Shoulder 159821000006119 278 Sprain of ligament of sacroiliac joint S561 12519004 Back 320560015 278 Sprained rib S5y3z 209799008 Chest 518891000006113 277 Blount's disease N3242 79353000 Knee 2475502016 276 Crick in neck N13y2 161882006 Neck 91871010 276 Calcaneal spur N2177 55260003 Foot/Ankle 289841000006115 273 Juvenile osteochondrosis of lower extremity N324 355208009 Leg 13899011000006111 272 Dislocation of knee joint ^ESCT1389901 157266009 Knee 1816911000006113 271 Irritable hip N220Y 301813003 Hip/Pelvis 312089015 271 Juvenile apophysitis N3260 29321007 Other 400326017 267 Juvenile osteochondritis of the hip and pelvis N321 268022000 Hip/Pelvis 1481722018 265 Joint effusion N090 387637008 Other 400249018 264 Arthralgia of the pelvic region and thigh N0945 267952008 Hip/Pelvis 312460014 263 Acquired deformity of chest wall N383 449466007 Chest 14091391000006118 262 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy ^ESCT1409139 734947007 Other 111791000006117 261 Swollen lower leg N2470-2 281792000 Leg 325447014 261 Contusion of lower leg Syu80 45613006 Leg 312597019 260 Acquired scoliosis Nyu54 111266001 Back 124541000006110 257 Subluxation of joint S4-2 263031003 Other 312281011 257 Acquired mallet toe N358 724285006 Foot/Ankle 314429013 257 Congenital dislocation and subluxation of the hip PE3 48334007 Hip/Pelvis 359863016 255 Spondylolysis N388 240221008 Back 311384015 253 Tibialis posterior tendinitis N2176 202881005 Leg 311353017 252 Adductor tendinitis N2156 202863007 Hip/Pelvis 325334017 250 Chest injury Syu2 262525000 Chest 320271015 249 Foot sprain, unspecified S5510 49388007 Foot/Ankle 118450012 248 Congenital kyphosis PG18 71311003 Back 178465011 246 Arthrogryposis N2330 111246005 Other 96831000006114 245 Tibial torsion N36y-1 249785006 Leg 310983010 244 Clicking shoulder N0990 202597009 Shoulder 373007012 244 Hand cramps N247z-1 250082003 Hand 611201000006119 243 Acquired deformity of clavicle N36y3 111271008 Shoulder 137149010 242 Synovial cyst of popliteal space N224A 82675004 Knee 439689014 240 Shoulder joint unstable N08yB 298854003 Shoulder 710181000006116 239 Finger trigger N2203-3 1539003 Hand 312091011 238 Juvenile osteochondritis N3262 19579005 Other 219011000000115 237 Rheumatology disorder monitoring 66H 268524007 Other 5138551000006118 237 Disorder of patellofemoral joint ^ESCTDI513855 239732001 Knee 310934011 236 Wrist symptom N096F 441591007 Wrist 105778017 235 Internal derangement of knee joint N07 63643000 Knee 256005014 235 O/E - knee joint abnormal 2H29 164516006 Knee 312350016 235 Chronic instability of knee N3682 203597000 Knee 189471000006112 234 Recurrent dislocation of shoulder - anterior N083A 202210006 Shoulder 406699016 234 Ankle instability N0967-1 813001 Foot/Ankle 391135014 233 Dislocation of radial head S424 263023008 Shoulder 131461000006112 232 Strain of patellar tendon S534 209508007 Knee 312334012 232 Acquired pronated forefoot N367M 203588004 Foot/Ankle 359855017 231 Intervertebral disc prolapse N123-1 73589001 Back 411284017 231 Aching leg syndrome N2452-1 275318002 Leg 502690012 230 Pauciarticular onset juvenile chronic arthritis N0456 74391003 Other 221451000000115 228 Connective tissue disease N-1 105969002 Other 312594014 228 Kyphosis deformity of spine Nyu51 414564002 Back 45014017 228 Subungual exostosis N21z4 26904005 Other 256101015 227 O/E-soft tissue swelling-local 2HC3 164600000 Other 319560013 226 Acute meniscal tear, medial, posterior horn S4601 208916003 Knee 391056014 225 Rectus muscle sprain S5z-4 262962009 Hip/Pelvis 150085018 222 Gout C34 90560007 Other 733661000006118 222 Degeneration of lumbar intervertebral disc N127 26538006 Back 76993014 221 Chondritis N33zJ 46176001 Other 192631000006118 219 Reactive arthritis N038 67224007 Other 252586019 217 Right subcostal pain 1974 162048001 Chest 310931015 217 Disorder of acromioclavicular joint N096C 699467005 Shoulder 5887111000006114 216 Pain in axilla ^ESCTPA588711 300953009 Shoulder 311345013 215 Biceps tendinitis N2134 202856007 Arm 416128012 215 Pain in cervical spine N131-1 279029001 Neck 55628018 215 Psoriatic arthritis M160-1 33339001 Other 320207015 214 Volar plate injury, finger, distal interphalangeal joint S523C 209490008 Hand 334287016 213 Haglund's deformity N2173-1 55260003 Foot/Ankle 400892016 213 Congenital valgus deformity of foot PE6z 22099008 Foot/Ankle 398006013 211 Symptom: head/neck 1D21 267106000 Neck 568881000006114 211 Closed traumatic subluxation acromioclavicular joint S4121 208775003 Shoulder 1776211019 210 Dermatomyositis N003 396230008 Other 320131015 210 Sprain of upper extremity S50z 123536004 Arm 413691000006112 209 Disorder of soft tissue NyuAA 19660004 Other 107916018 208 Acquired genu varum N3641 64925008 Knee 7912010 208 Osteomalacia C28-1 4598005 Other 131391000006114 207 Sprain of interphalangeal joint of toe S5513 24864009 Foot/Ankle 312565019 207 Disorder of patella Nyu36 721291009 Knee 88489011 207 Peroneal tendinitis N2178 53208009 Knee 311487011 206 Ganglion of flexor tendon sheath of finger N2249 202947003 Hand 5658961000006113 206 Soft tissue injury ^ESCTSO565896 282026002 Other 359292012 205 Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis N040P 239792003 Other 252317016 204 Backache symptom NOS 16CZ 161891005 Back 310822016 203 Arthralgia of elbow N094D 202480001 Elbow 311439018 201 Tenosynovitis of foot N2207 202908000 Foot/Ankle 158621000006114 200 Rupture of Achilles tendon S5V0 429513001 Foot/Ankle 31121000006117 198 Osteochondritis of knee N32z2-1 70736000 Knee 314445010 198 Bilateral dysplastic hip PE341 205057007 Hip/Pelvis 359432012 198 Lumbar spondylosis N114-2 239880009 Back 391102016 198 Sprain of joint S5z-1 105611005 Other 99770017 198 Sprain of cruciate ligament of knee S542 60058008 Knee 310880014 197 Multiple stiff joints N0959 202510005 Multiple 311193010 197 Disorder of cervical spine N13 128049000 Neck 319561012 196 Acute meniscal tear, medial, bucket handle tear S4602 208917007 Knee 402909010 196 Other shoulder sprain S50w 3199001 Shoulder 256014016 194 O/E - swelling - joint 2H3-1 164524001 Other 30877015 194 Acquired deformity of nose N380 18283000 Head 312186013 193 Aneurysmal bone cyst N3322 203468000 Other 319572019 193 Tear of meniscus of knee S462 239720000 Knee 323959019 192 Other shoulder and upper arm injury NOS SK12z 699062006 Arm 311492013 191 Ganglion and synovial cyst N224z 240205003 Other 320162016 191 Sprain ulnar collateral ligament S520F 209453007 Wrist 559621000000119 189 Suspected inflammatory arthritis 1JG 431956005 Other 312188014 187 Fibrous cortical defect N3324 203470009 Other 312195017 187 Avascular necrosis of the head of femur N3342 203476003 Hip/Pelvis 890661000006115 187 Painful Shoulder N0941-99 267949000 Shoulder 419523013 186 Subungual exostosis of great toe N21z5 281498002 Foot/Ankle 372799017 185 Back stiffness N149 249921008 Back 221771000000117 184 Calve - Perthes' disease N3211-1 111255008 Hip/Pelvis 424381012 183 Strain of calf muscle ESCTST13 285395009 Leg 256029019 182 O/E - joint movement painful 2H45 164539000 Other 36572013 182 Radial styloid tenosynovitis N2204 21794005 Wrist 2472449013 181 Juvenile seronegative polyarthritis N0451 410797009 Multiple 323993015 181 Knee, leg, ankle and foot injuries NOS SK17z 127279002 Leg 256023018 180 O/E - reduced joint movement 2H43 164533004 Other 419883015 180 Swelling of calf N2470-1 281792000 Leg 312351017 179 Flexion deformity N369 203598005 Other 330547017 179 Traumatic injury TGyz1 417746004 Other 373031019 179 Unstable knee N0966-2 250102002 Knee 5865551000006112 179 Knee joint valgus deformity ^ESCTKN586555 299330008 Knee 256016019 178 O/E - joint effusion present 2H32 164526004 Other 394571000006116 178 Chronic arthritis of juvenile onset Nyu16 410793008 Other 491941000006112 178 Arthralgia of sacroiliac joint N094L 202487003 Hip/Pelvis 1638641000006119 177 Musculoskeletal symptom EMISNQMU15 84869007 Other 312607015 176 Lordosis deformity of spine Nyu5A 61960001 Back 320260016 176 Sprain, ankle joint, medial S5501 209531007 Foot/Ankle 222191000000111 175 Retrosternal chest pain R0650-1 4568003 Chest 5529171000006118 175 Joint swelling ^ESCTJO552917 271771009 Other 891281000006115 175 Ganglion/synov.cyst - wrist N224-95 202936005 Wrist 309400018 174 Arthropathy N0 399269003 Other 400248014 174 Arthralgia of the forearm N0943 267950000 Arm 492459010 174 Morning stiffness - joint 1D17 40144003 Other 828611000006114 173 Housemaids' knee N2225 17059001 Knee 320234017 171 Sprain of hip S53w 17883008 Hip/Pelvis 324018016 171 Injury of muscle and tendon at ankle and foot level SK1F 212475003 Foot/Ankle 311224016 169 Disorder of neck N13z 118939000 Neck 1682441000006112 168 Cervicalgia N138 81680005 Neck 256100019 168 O/E - soft tissue swelling-gen 2HC2 164599003 Other 13498591000006113 167 Pain in upper arm ^ESCT1349859 771083005 Arm 1464018 167 Monoarthritis N066 699462004 Other 587321000006118 166 Non-traumatic acute slipped upper femoral epiphysis N3220 203374004 Hip/Pelvis 369383014 165 Facet joint syndrome N14y-1 247369005 Back 111401000006119 164 Swan-neck deformity of finger N3622 23060008 Hand 113561000006116 164 Synovitis of knee N220z-2 239817004 Knee 109031000006116 163 Tendonitis of thumb N2205-4 67801009 Hand 135221013 162 Loose body in knee N073 81512004 Knee 1770781000006114 162 Impingement syndrome of hip N215B-1 432473000 Hip/Pelvis 568371000006118 162 Closed traumatic dislocation of joint of finger S440z 75137002 Hand 131411000006114 161 Sprain, knee joint, medial collateral S5410 81902001 Knee 312421012 161 Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis N3731 203640005 Back 359536013 161 Bone spur N21z3-1 235231000119100 Other 445004010 161 Dislocation of temporomandibular joint S40-3 302964004 Head 38401000006113 158 Other and unspecified kyphosis N374X 414564002 Other 1229336018 156 Acquired equinus foot deformity N3672 37718006 Foot/Ankle 319931012 156 Other dislocation NOS S49z 108367008 Other 987141000006115 155 Bipartite patella PF645 79214007 Knee 400941013 154 Congenital musculoskeletal anomalies NOS PGz 73573004 Multiple 320291010 153 Sacroiliac sprain NOS S56z 12519004 Back 359590017 153 Suprapatellar bursitis N216z-1 240003004 Knee 2923791000006111 152 Slipped upper femoral epiphysis ^ESCTSL292379 26460006 Hip/Pelvis 311457017 152 Synovitis of hip N220S 202926002 Hip/Pelvis 402881012 152 Dislocation or subluxation of jaw S40 302964004 Head 485824011 152 Kohler's disease - osteochondrosis of tarsal navicular N3256 34359005 Foot/Ankle 1786699016 151 Frozen shoulder N210-2 399114005 Shoulder 312504018 151 Musculoskeletal disorder N3z 928000 Other 568101000006114 151 Closed traumatic dislocation acromioclavicular joint S4104 208759001 Shoulder 2159844013 150 Rheumatoid arthritis particle agglutination test 43b9 1010071000000108 Other 311653013 150 Contracture of hamstring(s) N238F 203074005 Leg 319375018 150 Closed traumatic dislocation of shoulder S410 208754006 Shoulder 311225015 149 Back problem N14 302258001 Back 312001000000116 149 Synovitis N220T 416209007 Other 5459701000006116 149 Sprain of toe joint ^ESCTSP545970 262998001 Foot/Ankle 1591381000006114 148 Mixed connective tissue disease Nyu4F 398049005 Other 896041000006112 148 Dislocated patella S463-99 208929003 Knee 310577019 147 Acetabular labrum tear N0877 202336002 Shoulder 310929012 147 Finding of shoulder region N096A 116308004 Shoulder 312096018 144 Other osteochondritis dissecans of knee N3272 203406004 Knee 372793016 144 Wrist stiff N0953-1 249916005 Wrist 409930017 144 Thoracic back sprain S571-99 274162005 Back 255998014 140 O/E - elbow joint abnormal 2H24 164510000 Elbow 2475754012 139 Lateral meniscus derangement N071 21333004 Knee 310986019 138 Clicking elbow N0993 202600005 Elbow 159011000006116 136 Patellar tendon rupture S5U2 30832001 Knee 319568018 136 Acute meniscal tear, lateral, bucket handle tear S4612 208924008 Knee 933111000006118 136 Wrist injury SK133-99 704421000000108 Wrist 131285010 135 Sprengel's deformity PF52-1 79120002 Shoulder 137941000006113 134 Temporomandibular joint click J0463 298377005 Head 311168013 133 Lumbar disc prolapse with radiculopathy N12C2 202735001 Back 312243018 133 Chondromalacia N33z2 63198006 Other 314473012 133 Congenital varus deformity of foot PE5z 42162004 Foot/Ankle 325394019 133 [X]Unspecified injury of shoulder and upper arm Syu4E 699062006 Shoulder 1494798013 132 Sternum sprain S5y4 54942004 Chest 319370011 132 Dislocated jaw S40z 302964004 Head 359847012 132 Disorder of spinal region N14z-2 410730009 Back 310914010 131 Other joint symptoms of the hand N0964 118952005 Hand 255999018 130 O/E - wrist joint abnormal 2H25 164511001 Wrist 391086019 130 Torn gastrocnemius S54x1-1 262981001 Leg 400295013 130 Rotator cuff syndrome, unspecified N2110 4106009 Shoulder 2694858012 129 Congenital acetabular dysplasia PF632 52781008 Hip/Pelvis 312573011 129 [X]Disorder of patella, unspecified Nyu3E 721291009 Knee 400296014 129 Rotator cuff syndrome NOS N211z 4106009 Shoulder 219601000000110 128 Hip snapping N0965-1 423849004 Hip/Pelvis 319386016 128 Closed dislocation of acromioclavicular joint S4104-1 208759001 Shoulder 2558271000006115 127 Inflammatory arthritis ^ESCTIN255827 3723001 Other 310942012 127 Symptom of ankle N096P 699368004 Foot/Ankle 312076014 127 Juvenile osteochondrosis of the secondary patellar centre N3243 203389008 Knee 320236015 127 Hip sprain NOS S53y 17883008 Hip/Pelvis 41385012 127 Myofascial pain syndrome N239-1 24693007 Multiple 2767377016 126 Femoroacetabular impingement N215B 432473000 Hip/Pelvis 312300011 126 Acquired finger deformity NOS N362z 26517000 Hand 323955013 126 Injury of scapular region SK121 68152007 Shoulder 221631000000112 125 Adductor tendonitis N21z2-4 202863007 Other 391075016 125 Tendon strain S5z-6 262972007 Other 48884013 125 Trochanteric tendinitis N2155 29210001 Hip/Pelvis 451462019 124 Recurrent subluxation of the hip joint N083x 308144002 Hip/Pelvis 713281000006117 124 Derangement medial meniscus N070 111222003 Knee 742361000006117 124 Irritable hip N0945-3 301813003 Hip/Pelvis 130001000006111 123 Spondylosis N11z 8847002 Back 310453011 123 Recurrent dislocation of the knee N083n 202245003 Knee 320120011 122 Sprain, biceps tendon S508 209419008 Arm 312462018 121 Acquired rib deformity, unspecified N3831 449466007 Chest 312596011 121 [X]Other idiopathic scoliosis Nyu53 203639008 Back 504088011 121 Tibial tubercle juvenile osteochondritis N3244-1 72047008 Leg 2402821000000112 120 Lumber disc bulge N122-2 202708005 Back 256004013 120 O/E - hip joint abnormal 2H28 164515005 Hip/Pelvis 312349016 120 Acquired external tibial torsion N3681 203596009 Leg 391082017 120 Rupture of tendon S5z-5 415749005 Other 311277014 119 Unspecified disorder of the coccyx N1470 61296009 Back 3527272012 119 Injury of muscle of lower back ^ESCT1167562 737254001 Back 310819018 118 Arthralgia of acromioclavicular joint N094C 202479004 Shoulder 320141017 118 Other elbow sprain S51w 263128001 Elbow 320557010 118 Rib sprain unspecified S5y30 209799008 Chest 419882013 118 Swollen calf 16J0 281792000 Leg 497880019 118 CTS - Carpal tunnel syndrome F340-2 57406009 Wrist 6613421000006112 118 Sprain of ligament ^ESCTSP661342 398878007 Other 734501000006118 118 Lordosis, unspecified N374W 61960001 Back 108921000006110 117 Tendon injury to hand NOS SK14-1 262971000 Hand 311475016 117 Synovial cyst N2240 240205003 Other 311483010 117 Ganglion of knee N2246 202943004 Knee 312322016 116 Acquired valgus heel N3679 203576001 Foot/Ankle 933121000006114 116 Ankle injury SK172-99 628781000000108 Foot/Ankle 118437011 115 Myxoid cyst N2243-1 78435003 Other 310452018 115 Knee - recurrent dislocation N0836-1 202245003 Knee 320181012 115 Hand sprain NOS S521z 87778004 Hand 891271000006118 115 Ganglion/synov.cyst - hand N224-94 202936005 Hand 896291000006111 115 Sprained knee S54-99 269137006 Knee 311448011 114 Achilles tenosynovitis N220H 202917000 Foot/Ankle 317263016 114 Symptom of head and neck region R04 267106000 Head 371011000006114 114 Somatoform pain disorder Eu62y-1 30077003 Other 4193131000006114 113 Legg-Calve-Perthes disease ^ESCTLE419313 111255008 Leg 256026014 112 O/E - reduced movement of wrist 2H432 164536007 Wrist 319634018 112 Dislocation of ankle NOS S47z 269114000 Foot/Ankle 311447018 111 Extensor tenosynovitis of thumb N220F 202916009 Hand 320531012 111 Mallet finger with closed tendon injury S5T3 209775008 Hand 456085014 111 Cyst of tendon sheath N224D 312382002 Other 310839019 110 Arthralgia of ankle N094P 202490009 Foot/Ankle 359871017 110 Other deformity of bone N36y-2 271084006 Other 130581000006112 109 Late effect of sprain AND/OR strain without tendon injury SC07-1 81715004 Other 312278018 109 Crossover toe N357 203541003 Foot/Ankle 311336012 107 Subacromial impingement N2122 202849001 Shoulder 311387010 107 Plantar fascial fibromatosis N2370 13370002 Foot/Ankle 312182010 107 Solitary bone cyst N3321 203467005 Other 3957951000006119 107 Congenital genu valgum ^ESCTCO395795 89689008 Knee 18211000006119 106 Osteochondritis dissecans of the lateral femoral condyle N3271 203405000 Leg 311396010 106 Enthesopathy N21z 23680005 Other 2164079010 105 Ligament disorders N23-2 60492000 Other 28257010 105 Knuckle pads N2371 16687001 Hand 312494011 105 Other specified musculoskeletal disorders N3y 928000 Other 322807018 105 Contusion, wrist and hand NOS SE32z 211506004 Hand/Wrist 40491000006115 105 Osteochondrosis NOS N32z3 19579005 Other 411840011 105 O/E - painful arc 2H23-1 275875002 Shoulder 74984010 105 Acquired lordosis N372 44950000 Back 2477180015 104 Complex regional pain syndrome type II F347 408751001 Multiple 319567011 104 Acute meniscal tear, lateral, posterior horn S4611 208923002 Knee 400262019 104 Other joint symptoms of the lower leg N0966 267953003 Leg 253291013 103 Symptom: upper limb 1D26 162429009 Arm 310938014 103 Other symptoms - hip N096K 49218002 Hip/Pelvis 444834014 103 Osteoma B73-2 92027006 Other 252312010 102 Backache with radiation 16C3 161892003 Back 378065015 102 Bow legs PE44-1 299331007 Leg 39292015 102 Congenital flat foot PE61-1 23407003 Foot/Ankle 400263012 102 Arthralgia of the ankle and/or foot N0967 267954009 Foot/Ankle 568561000006118 102 Closed traumatic dislocation patellofemoral joint, lateral S4630 208930008 Knee 896411000006117 102 Sprained neck S570-99 209557005 Neck 122681000006110 101 Subacromial bursitis N2116 40799003 Shoulder 140171000006117 101 Acquired shortening of Achilles tendon N22yM 5029005 Foot/Ankle 256006010 101 O/E - locked knee 2H291 164517002 Knee 256038017 101 O/E - joint stiffness 2H6 164550002 Other 359542012 101 Painful arc syndrome N211z-1 202841003 Shoulder 320237012 100 Thigh sprain NOS S53z 17883008 Knee 575291000006113 100 Compartment syndrome of leg SK0y5 212385001 Leg 186201000006114 99 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy N337-2 128200000 Other 219271000000117 99 Seronegative arthritis N04y1 399112009 Other 2548331017 99 Inflammatory polyarthropathy N04-1 417373000 Multiple 311040011 99 Inflammatory spondylopathies N10 202649003 Back 256054019 98 O/E - lumbar spine abnormal 2H84 164564002 Back 295191000006117 98 [D]Face ache R0400-1 95668009 Head 310511012 98 Equinus contracture of the ankle N084b 202290007 Foot/Ankle 310629010 98 Effusion of elbow N090D 202373004 Elbow 320565013 98 Xiphoid cartilage sprain S5y43 209808000 Chest 324025011 98 Other multiple injuries SK1x 262519004 Multiple 598231000006114 98 Costal cartilage sprain S5y32 209799008 Chest 312571013 97 [X]Other instability of joint Nyu3C 67374007 Other 588621000006114 97 Talipes valgus PE60 79807003 Foot/Ankle 11065011 96 Residual foreign body in soft tissue N246 6058003 Other 440239018 96 Bow legged N3641-1 299331007 Leg 311442012 95 Flexor tenosynovitis of wrist N220A 202911004 Wrist 311655018 95 Contracture of tendo achilles N238H 203076007 Foot/Ankle 856151000006116 95 Right hip clicks EGTONRI5 856151000006100 Hip/Pelvis 20587019 94 Acute arthritis N06zA 11939005 Other 215561000000112 94 Swelling of joint - effusion N090-2 387637008 Other 324011010 94 Injury of adductor muscle and tendon of thigh SK1D0 212468004 Leg 568351000006111 94 Closed traumatic dislocation of elbow NOS S420z 2651006 Elbow 256050011 93 O/E - spine abnormal 2H8 164560006 Back 311177018 93 Disorder of lumbar disc N12z3 443700006 Back 84036012 93 Palindromic rheumatism N093 50442003 Multiple 310988018 92 Clicking wrist N0995 202602002 Wrist 312315012 92 Flexion deformity of knee N3660 203569006 Knee 5142451000006118 92 Synovial cyst of knee ^ESCTSY514245 240008008 Knee 312347019 91 Deformity of knee joint N368 299328006 Knee 320216016 91 Sprain tendon of finger S526 209499009 Hand 320246018 91 Partial tear, knee, medial collateral ligament S5411 209519005 Knee 359169019 91 Arthritis of knee N06z6-1 371081002 Knee 97064010 91 Acquired postural kyphosis N3710 268040001 Back 311634015 90 Other fibromatoses N237 19660004 Other 455771000006114 90 Acute low back pain N12-3 278862001 Back 4816191000006111 90 Lateral epicondylitis ^ESCTLA481619 202855006 Elbow 320308011 89 Lumbar back sprain S572-99 209565008 Back 323889010 89 Traumatic complications and unspecified injuries SK 417746004 Other 857221000006118 89 Left hip clicks EGTONLE5 857221000006102 Hip/Pelvis 146974019 88 Acquired hammer toe, other than great toe N35C 122481008 Foot/Ankle 1776248011 88 Osteoarthritis N05-1 396275006 Other 221641000000115 88 Supraspinatus tendonitis N21z2-6 202841003 Shoulder 311438014 88 Tenosynovitis of ankle N2206 202907005 Foot/Ankle 320563018 88 Sternoclavicular sprain S5y41 209806001 Shoulder 5668791000006112 88 Upper back injury ^ESCTUP566879 282765009 Back 311383014 87 Tibialis anterior tendinitis N2175 202880006 Leg 131361000006118 86 Sprain of hip joint S532 17883008 Hip/Pelvis 168751000006115 86 Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory polyarthropathy N04 69896004 Other 183021000006118 86 Recurrent subluxation of shoulder - anterior N083C 202212003 Shoulder 253931000006113 86 Overriding fifth toe N35A 203543000 Foot/Ankle 359312010 86 Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis N0450 239805001 Back 131061000006115 85 Sprain thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint nonspecific S5221 209470004 Hand 221521000000114 85 Osteoarthritis of knee N05z6-1 239873007 Knee 314494010 85 Valgus deformity of foot PE6y 249803006 Foot/Ankle 44918014 85 Antiphospholipid syndrome N006 26843008 Other 310930019 84 Other symptoms in sternoclavicular joint N096B 118952005 Shoulder 439051015 84 Locked temporomandibular joint J0465 298373009 Head 127281000006111 83 Finger joint stiff N095W 298238005 Hand 310932010 83 Other symptoms - elbow N096D 202480001 Elbow 312314011 83 Acquired knee deformity NOS N366 299328006 Knee 319497017 83 Closed traumatic dislocation of finger, unspecified S4400 75137002 Hand 219651000000111 82 Adhesive capsulitis of shoulder N210 399114005 Shoulder 314845015 82 Congenital anomaly of the hand PF5s 34111000 Hand 453181013 82 Lumbosacral strain N1463-1 309710005 Back 587341000006113 82 Non traumatic chronic slipped upper femoral epiphysis N3222 203376002 Hip/Pelvis 312191014 81 Cyst of bone NOS N332z 203465002 Other 400247016 81 Arthralgia of the upper arm N0942 267950000 Arm 405142017 81 Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis N065 36186002 Multiple 500464010 81 Hallux rigidus - acquired N352 6654000 Foot/Ankle 81981010 81 Coxalgia N094K-1 49218002 Hip/Pelvis 147833014 80 Systemic sclerosis N001-2 89155008 Other 314444014 80 Unilateral dysplastic hip PE340 205056003 Hip/Pelvis 891241000006114 80 Ganglion/synov.cyst-ankle/foot N224-91 202936005 Foot/Ankle 256010013 79 O/E - neck joint abnormal 2H2D 164521009 Neck 317319011 79 [D]Other symptoms affecting head and neck R04z 267106000 Neck 320261017 79 Deltoid ligament ankle sprain S5501-1 209531007 Foot/Ankle 40831000006117 79 Osteophyte of bone N09B 235231000119100 Other 568671000006112 79 Closed traumatic dislocation toe, interphalangeal joint, single S4806 208994001 Foot/Ankle 605021000006115 79 Curvature of spine NOS N37z 64217002 Back 761871000006117 79 Flexion deformity of fingers PF5r4 203554005 Hand 372790018 78 Knee stiff N0956-1 249913002 Knee 491791000006117 78 Arthralgia of 1st metatarsophalangeal joint N094T 202495004 Foot/Ankle 8261991000006112 78 Injury of tendon of finger ^ESCTIN826199 813121000000101 Hand 310422014 77 Habitual subluxation of the shoulder N083M 202221002 Shoulder 312237015 77 Bony pelvic pain N33A0 203508001 Hip/Pelvis 312414012 77 Acquired kyphosis NOS N371z 413428007 Neck 319501010 77 Closed traumatic dislocation, proximal interphalangeal joint S4404 208862005 Hand 896371000006118 77 Sprained foot S551-99 49388007 Foot/Ankle 148958019 76 Monostotic fibrous dysplasia N3323 89859004 Other 253294017 76 C/O - lower limb symptom 1D27-1 162430004 Leg 312348012 76 Acquired internal tibial torsion N3680 203595008 Leg 320251012 76 Other specified knee sprain S54w 54888009 Knee 372795011 76 Shoulder stiff N0951-1 249918006 Shoulder 400200013 76 Derangement of meniscus N072 111224002 Knee 319498010 75 Closed traumatic dislocation, metacarpophalangeal joint S4401 208859007 Hand 323927014 75 Other face and neck injuries SK10 417163006 Neck 411294010 75 Bucket handle tear - current injury S460-1 275327001 Knee 4379021000006110 75 Traumatic dislocation of joint of finger ^ESCTTR437902 125619004 Hand 493219017 75 Congenital talipes varus PE50 42162004 Foot/Ankle 1572921000006110 74 Bone tenderness at navicular bone of foot EMISNQBO13 1572921000006106 Foot/Ankle 310607011 74 Joint disorder N09 399269003 Other 310951016 74 Walking difficulty due to unspecified site N0970 228158008 Leg 311389013 74 Anterior ankle impingement N217B 202884002 Foot/Ankle 317147015 74 [D]Clicking thumb R01z4 42786005 Hand 3364071000006115 74 Medial epicondylitis ^ESCTME336407 53286005 Elbow 405688012 74 Deformity of phalanx of toe N36yL 271100003 Foot/Ankle 8261561000006110 74 Injury of muscle of upper back ^ESCTIN826156 812501000000108 Back 130711000006112 73 Sprain finger, proximal interphalangeal joint, nonspecific S5234 209482008 Hand 256030012 72 O/E - joint crepitation 2H46 164540003 Other 299731000000113 72 Muscle wasting N2322 88092000 Other 310984016 72 Clicking sternoclavicular joint N0991 202598004 Shoulder 312085014 72 Iselin's disease - osteochondrosis of fifth metatarsal N3254 203395009 Foot/Ankle 325265011 72 Dislocations, sprains and strains involving head with neck SR20 213368009 Neck 484581000006111 72 Congenital malformation of spine PG1 74877002 Back 568171000006115 72 Closed traumatic dislocation of elbow joint S420 2651006 Elbow 733681000006111 72 Lumbar disc displacement N122 202708005 Back 1234731016 71 Fibrodysplasia ossificans congenita PGy4 82725007 Other 3447641000006113 71 Traumatic dislocation of knee joint ^ESCTTR344764 58320001 Knee 569181000006114 71 Closed traumatic subluxation patellofemoral joint S467 208953009 Knee 256053013 70 O/E - thoracic spine abnormal 2H83 164563008 Back 312633011 70 [X]Other myositis Nyu80 26889001 Other 320144013 70 Forearm sprain NOS S51z 262990008 Arm 400288016 70 Other back symptoms N14y 272009001 Back 752841000006112 70 Kyphoscoliosis deformity of spine N374-1 405773007 Back 221761000000112 69 Osteochondropathies N32 77881008 Other 311388017 69 Posterior calcaneal exostosis (pump bump) N217A 202883008 Foot/Ankle 312318014 69 Acquired equinovarus - clubfoot N3671 203572004 Foot/Ankle 391266012 69 Tear of ligament of knee joint S545 263139003 Knee 416142016 69 Lumbalgia N142-2 279039007 Back 451468015 69 [D]Retrosternal chest pain R065C 4568003 Chest 252303013 68 Stiff neck symptom NOS 16AZ 161880003 Neck 312560012 68 [X]Other hammer toe(s) (acquired) Nyu31 122481008 Foot/Ankle 439693015 68 Shoulder joint painful on movement 1M02 298857005 Shoulder 1566461000006118 67 Immediate swelling of knee EMISNQIM1 1566461000006102 Knee 312316013 67 Other acquired ankle and foot deformity N367 240240002 Foot/Ankle 2917025019 66 Strain of hamstring muscle ESCTST9 481000119104 Leg 310374013 66 Pathological dislocation of patellofemoral joint N082R 202191002 Knee 311186011 66 Lumbar discitis N12zC 202752002 Back 319496014 66 Closed traumatic dislocation digit S440 208857009 Hand 325374011 66 Injury of trunk Syu3L 48125009 Back 5852251000006112 66 Scoliosis ^ESCTSC585225 298382003 Back 195948016 65 Compartment syndrome SK0y-2 111245009 Other 359327010 65 Synovitis of knee N220V 239817004 Knee 40641000006114 65 Osteoma B30-2 92027006 Other 611421000006111 65 Degeneration of lumbar spine N114-1 239880009 Back 6451641000006112 65 TMJPDS - Temporomandibular joint pain dysfunction syndrome ^ESCTTM645164 386207004 Head 896351000006111 65 Sprain - Achilles tendon S5504-99 22817005 Foot/Ankle 93418010 65 Cubital tunnel syndrome F3420 56177003 Wrist 2124011000000110 64 Injury of muscle of rotator cuff SK125 733227000 Shoulder 320213012 64 Sprain tendon of thumb S525 209496002 Hand 490581000006118 64 Acquired cavus foot deformity N3673 86900005 Foot/Ankle 135200013 63 Bursitis of hip N2151 81498004 Hip/Pelvis 2275671000000111 63 Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation first letter 9mM0 882401000000106 Other 311335011 63 Scapulohumeral fibrositis N2121 202848009 Shoulder 320269015 63 Partial tear, ankle, lateral ligament S5506 209536002 Foot/Ankle 400192018 63 Unspecified polyarthropathy or polyarthritis NOS N065z 36186002 Multiple 646081000006116 63 Enthesopathy of ankle AND/OR tarsus N217 21409006 Foot/Ankle 889841000006113 63 Still's disease - juvenile R.A N043-99 201796004 Other 14046016 62 Contracture of joint N084 7890003 Other 179891000006115 62 Reiter's disease A993 67224007 Other 312495012 62 Disorder of musculoskeletal system N3y0 928000 Other 324013013 62 Injury of muscle and tendon at lower leg level SK1E 212470008 Leg 400310018 62 Muscle, ligament and fascia disorders N23 268006001 Other 400878010 62 Congenital anomaly of musculoskeletal system PE 73573004 Other 7299721000006119 62 Pain in forearm ^ESCTPA729972 444899003 Arm 1783067019 61 Digital mucous cyst N224E 404098005 Hand 312346011 61 Acquired deformity of ankle AND/OR foot N367z 88562000 Foot/Ankle 314491019 61 Congenital clubfoot - valgus PE60-1 205083002 Foot/Ankle 314513015 61 Congenital deformity of foot PE7y 302297009 Foot/Ankle 319492011 61 Dislocation of wrist NOS S43z 208811007 Wrist 320524013 61 Rupture tendon of finger S5T 209770003 Hand 402910017 61 Other upper arm sprain S50x 123536004 Arm 427441000006117 61 [X]Sprain & strain of oth & unspecif parts of wrist & hand Syu66 209436000 Hand/Wrist 623361000006116 61 Dislocations, sprains and strains involving thorax with lower back and pelvis SR21 213369001 Back 646121000006119 61 Enthesopathy of knee region N216 39547005 Knee 288960017 60 Malignant neoplasm of connective and other soft tissue B31 269469005 Other 312292012 60 Acquired finger deformity, unspecified N3620 26517000 Hand 481611016 60 Jaw sprain S5y1 23415000 Head 1226293012 59 Cubitus varus - acquired N3602 29087002 Other 125702014 59 Psoas tendinitis N2154 75680005 Back 131441000006113 59 Sprain, metatarsophalangeal joint S5512 209540006 Foot/Ankle 136731000006115 59 Slipped radial epiphysis N32y-1 240185006 Wrist 14427013 59 Closed dislocation of jaw S400 8135006 Head 2157514012 59 Deformity of scapula N36y4 405735008 Shoulder 309850015 59 Inflammatory polyarthropathy NOS N04z 417373000 Multiple 310572013 59 Glenoid labrum tear N0873 202332000 Shoulder 311443019 59 Flexor tenosynovitis of finger N220B 202912006 Hand 405551018 59 Unstable hip PE35 271015004 Hip/Pelvis 454631000006115 59 Acquired trigger thumb N220G 42786005 Hand 541000006112 59 Finding of finger joint N096H 299061005 Hand 5460061000006119 59 Dislocation of toe joint ^ESCTDI546006 263030002 Foot/Ankle 219621000000118 58 Disorder of intervertebral disc N12 36427004 Back 320569019 58 Sprain, symphysis pubis S5y51 209812006 Hip/Pelvis 890521000006110 58 Effusion - knee joint N0906-99 267942009 Knee 899311000006117 58 Injury arm NOS SK13-99 637351000000104 Arm 312291017 57 Acquired deformity of finger N362 26517000 Arm 314493016 57 Congenital talipes calcaneovalgus PE62 205083002 Foot/Ankle 324010011 57 Injury of muscle and tendon at hip and thigh level SK1D 212467009 Hip/Pelvis 1484869018 56 Non-traumatic subluxation of acromioclavicular joint N082Z 390836002 Shoulder 256024012 56 O/E - reduced movement of spine 2H430 164534005 Back 311141013 56 Degenerative disc disease N128 77547008 Back 311364019 56 Pes anserinus tendinitis and bursitis N2161 202868003 Knee 311704019 56 Myalgia or myositis NOS N241z 203113009 Other 325436019 56 Injury of hip and thigh Syu7 699063001 Hip/Pelvis 372792014 56 Hand joint stiff N0954-1 249915009 Hand 405682013 56 Deformity of tibia N36yE 271094001 Leg 419524019 56 Subungual exostosis of lesser toe N21z6 281499005 Foot/Ankle 569261000006111 56 Closed traumatic subluxation sternoclavicular joint S49E2 209213007 Shoulder 899321000006113 56 Injury leg NOS SK171-99 600861000000103 Leg 1233051016 55 Quadriceps tendon rupture N2265 6849006 Hip/Pelvis 131551000006111 55 Strain of subscapularis tendon S505 209415002 Shoulder 2360741000000115 55 Axial spondyloarthritis N11F 723116002 Back 312435014 55 Curvature of spine, unspecified N3740 77567004 Back 312701012 55 Osteonecrosis NyuC5 240196003 Other 68620010 55 Bicipital tenosynovitis N2112 41137001 Arm 693491000006111 55 Musculoskeletal or connective tissue diseases OS Ny 312225001 Other 898431000006112 55 Bruise NOS SE4z-99 669341000000103 Other 131031000006112 54 Sprain thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint, ulnar collateral ligament S5223 209472007 Hand 325493012 54 Multiple injuries SyuA8 262519004 Multiple 8261791000006110 54 Injury of muscle of foot ^ESCTIN826179 812761000000101 Foot/Ankle 312559019 53 Acquired deformity of joint of big toe Nyu30 240254005 Foot/Ankle 320211014 53 Sprain wrist extensors S5240 209494004 Wrist 4378711000006112 53 Hand injury ^ESCTHA437871 125599006 Hand 510851000006116 53 Congenital subluxation of hip, bilateral PE311 205052001 Hip/Pelvis 7862881000006114 53 Injury of muscle at shoulder level ^ESCTIN786288 724905004 Shoulder 8275491000006113 53 Injury of tendon of ankle ^ESCTIN827549 828981000000104 Foot/Ankle 310628019 52 Elbow joint effusion N0902-1 202373004 Elbow 310637019 52 Effusion of hip N090K 202379000 Hip/Pelvis 310818014 52 Arthralgia of sternoclavicular joint N094B 202478007 Shoulder 311451016 52 Extensor hallucis longus tenosynovitis N220L 202920008 Foot/Ankle 312098017 52 Osteochondritis dissecans of the capitellum N3274 203408003 Elbow 312436010 52 Kyphosis associated with other condition N3741 414564002 Back 320242016 52 Sprain or partial tear, knee, lateral collateral ligament S540 209515004 Knee 400266016 52 Spondylosis and allied disorders N11 267969005 Back 4378981000006115 52 Traumatic dislocation of shoulder region ^ESCTTR437898 125615005 Shoulder 558181000006112 52 Clawing of great toe N356 45636002 Foot/Ankle 896241000006119 52 Sprained finger/thumb S5213-99 209465006 Hand 30978014 51 Lumbar spinal stenosis N1402 18347007 Back 310928016 51 Joint finding N0969 118952005 Other 320578013 51 Other specified sprains and strains S5yy 209409002 Other 359805013 51 Synovial plica of knee N22y4-1 240171001 Knee 400313016 51 Muscle, ligament or fascia disorder NOS N23z 268006001 Other 411297015 51 Current knee cartilage tear S46-1 275330008 Knee 4378651000006115 51 Elbow injury ^ESCTEL437865 125596004 Elbow 509813011 51 Benign neoplasm of bone and articular cartilage B73 92027006 Other 561241000006113 51 Closed dislocation of sternoclavicular joint S4960-1 33358005 Shoulder 890991000006119 51 Backache NOS N145-99 643261000000101 Back 896191000006119 51 Sprained shoulder S50-99 209410007 Shoulder 255989011 50 O/E - joint abnormal 2H2 164506003 Other 41723017 50 Congenital postural lordosis PE21 24897005 Back 4379031000006113 50 Traumatic dislocation of joint of thumb ^ESCTTR437903 125620005 Hand 451501010 50 Tendon disorder N22yz-2 68172002 Other 5461211000006118 50 Rupture of ligament of knee joint ^ESCTRU546121 263139003 Knee 896331000006116 50 Sprained knee NOS S54y-99 671951000000108 Knee 896361000006113 50 Sprain - ankle NOS S550z-99 671981000000102 Foot/Ankle 221611000000116 49 Bicipital tendinitis N21z2-2 202856007 Arm 311347017 49 Triceps tendinitis N2135 202857003 Arm 319566019 49 Acute meniscal tear, lateral, anterior horn S4610 208922007 Knee 400194017 49 Arthropathy NOS N06zz 399269003 Other 18231000006113 48 Osteochondritis dissecans of the patella N3270 203404001 Knee 256002012 48 O/E - hand joint abnormal 2H26 164513003 Hand 310459010 48 Habitual dislocation of the patella N083r 202249009 Knee 310510013 48 Flexion contracture of the knee N084a 202289003 Knee 320208013 48 Volar plate injury, thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint S523D 209491007 Hand 400255011 48 Stiff joint, of the hand N0954 249915009 Hand 599131000006110 48 Coxalgia N0945-1 49218002 Back 256019014 47 O/E - joint swelling NOS 2H3Z 164524001 Other 310157016 47 Unspecified polyarthropathy of multiple sites N0659 36186002 Multiple 311036019 47 Arthropathies NOS N0z 399269003 Multiple 311522018 47 Subluxation of peroneal tendon N226H 202974002 Leg 312510018 47 Streptococcal arthritis Nyu00 51646002 Other 323967010 47 Other elbow, wrist and forearm injuries NOS SK13z 127278005 Arm 4507141000006118 47 Chronic back pain ^ESCTCH450714 134407002 Back 611321000006117 47 Deformity of phalanx of finger or thumb N36yA 271091009 Hand 309827014 46 Monarticular juvenile rheumatoid arthritis N0433 201799006 Other 310935012 46 Metacarpophalangeal joint pain N096G 299061005 Hand 310955013 46 Walking difficulty due to ankle and foot N0973 202570002 Foot/Ankle 319580014 46 Closed traumatic dislocation of knee, unspecified S4650 269112001 Knee 359764018 46 Chondrolysis N33zB 240139008 Other 400261014 46 Other joint symptoms of the pelvic region and thigh N0965 118952005 Hip/Pelvis 400350015 46 Acquired deformity of limb N36z 17230005 Other 492481000006116 46 Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. N2330-1 77016009 Multiple 757291000006118 46 Joint disorders NOS N09z 399269003 Other 815211000006111 46 Acquired hallux varus N351 16123003 Foot/Ankle 97681017 46 Gluteal tendinitis N2152 58781003 Hip/Pelvis 311690014 45 Muscular rheumatism N2402 203102006 Other 314496012 45 Other valgus foot deformity NOS PE6yz 22099008 Foot/Ankle 314687016 45 Unspecified congenital leg shortening NOS PF30z 66078008 Leg 317134013 45 Clubbing of fingers R015 30760008 Hand 320227019 45 Iliofemoral sprain S530 209505005 Hip/Pelvis 323953018 45 Other shoulder and upper arm injuries SK12 699062006 Shoulder 359170018 45 Arthritis of hip N06z5-1 68449006 Hip/Pelvis 494294019 45 Acquired hammer deformity of great toe N353 45636002 Foot/Ankle 117800011 44 Traumatic myositis ossificans N2312 70917000 Other 1481870016 44 Cervical spondylosis N110-1 387800004 Neck 207904011 44 Piriformis syndrome N2481 129179000 Hip/Pelvis 222391000000114 44 Traumatic torticollis S5700-1 360444002 Neck 265841000006115 44 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspec, of unspecified sites N0540 268054009 Other 310412015 44 Recurrent subluxation of shoulder - anterior N083H 202212003 Shoulder 312103015 44 Osteochondritis dissecans of the talus N3279 203413004 Foot/Ankle 312529012 44 [X]Other specified arthritis Nyu1B 3723001 Other 359841013 44 Rupture of Baker's cyst - knee N2251-1 240203005 Knee 402891018 44 Dislocation or subluxation of ankle S47 269114000 Foot/Ankle 453671000006115 44 Acquired clavicle deformity N38y0 111271008 Chest 587331000006115 44 Non traumatic acute-on-chronic slipped upp femoral epiphysis N3221 203375003 Hip/Pelvis 158711000006114 43 Rupture of hamstring tendon S5U1 209779002 Leg 310911019 43 Other joint symptoms of the shoulder region N0961 267949000 Shoulder 311397018 43 Capsulitis N21z0 6858004 Other 311509014 43 Hand and wrist extensor tendon rupture N2263 202961008 Wrist 312117012 43 Epiphysitis N32z1 85840009 Other 312202018 43 Avascular necrosis of other bone N3347 397758007 Other 319579011 43 Other closed traumatic dislocation of knee S465 269112001 Knee 402917019 43 Sprain of spinal ligament S57 281598004 Back 60357013 43 Congenital subluxation of hip PE31 36172001 Hip/Pelvis 1705881000006115 42 Myofascial pain syndrome N2480 24693007 Multiple 252447015 42 Parasternal pain 1826 161974007 Chest 325414017 42 [X]Contusion of other parts of wrist and hand Syu60 211506004 Hand/Wrist 400330019 42 Panner's disease - osteochondritis of capitulum of humerus N3232 268025003 Arm 8262051000006113 42 Injury of tendon of foot ^ESCTIN826205 813311000000109 Foot/Ankle 131021000006114 41 Sprain thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint, radial collateral ligament S5222 209471000 Hand 2478745010 41 Medial meniscus, posterior horn derangement N0703 5313005 Knee 256144016 41 O/E - sign - head/neck 2I21 164633005 Neck 311450015 41 Tibialis posterior tenosynovitis N220K 202919002 Leg 624681000006116 41 Disorder of coccyx N147 61296009 Back 108791000006110 40 Temporomandibular joint internal derangement J0462 196431006 Head 1221447010 40 Coxa valga - acquired N3631 16979000 Hip/Pelvis 253292018 40 C/O - upper limb symptom 1D26-1 162429009 Arm 309572012 40 Reactive arthropathy of knee N01wB 201569000 Knee 312123019 40 Disorder of bone and articular cartilage N33 240134003 Other 312285019 40 Other acquired toe deformity N35y 42251007 Foot/Ankle 314875013 40 Congenital anomaly of toe PF66 9989000 Foot/Ankle 320179010 40 Interphalangeal sprain S5213 209465006 Hand 378066019 40 Congenital clicking hip PE33 253949003 Hip/Pelvis 400882012 40 Congenital sternomastoid torticollis PE1 268240006 Neck 4378611000006116 40 Injury of shoulder region ^ESCTIN437861 125594001 Shoulder 75341011 40 Schmorl's nodes N124 45181002 Back 761801000006111 40 Flexion contracture of proximal interphalangeal joint N084S 202281000 Hand 126406018 39 Spinal stenosis N140-1 76107001 Back 149911000006117 39 Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis N04X 239791005 Other 256027017 39 O/E - reduced movement of hip 2H433 164537003 Hip/Pelvis 271821000006115 39 O/E medial joint line tenderness EMISHGT72 271821000006104 Knee 320376011 39 Complete tear, knee, posterior cruciate ligament S5C2 209628003 Knee 400246013 39 Arthralgia of shoulder N094A 267949000 Shoulder 491891000006111 39 Arthralgia of metacarpophalangeal joint N094G 202483004 Hand 728491000006116 39 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissues of thoracic spine B3133 188013008 Back 896391000006117 39 Sprain - foot NOS S551z-99 672001000000102 Foot/Ankle 1495246018 38 Sprained toe S5513-99 262998001 Foot/Ankle 1573041000006110 38 Supination-eversion injury of ankle EMISNQSU7 1378000 Foot/Ankle 312574017 38 Disorder of connective tissue Nyu4 105969002 Other 312582017 38 Overlap syndrome Nyu46 276657008 Other 312595010 38 [X]Other lordosis Nyu52 61960001 Back 312630014 38 [X]Other dorsalgia Nyu7A 410730009 Back 321735014 38 Multiple injuries of ankle and foot SA16 210706009 Foot/Ankle 400199010 38 Disorder of joint of ankle and/or foot N06z7 442246002 Foot/Ankle 400344013 38 Bone or cartilage disorders NOS N33zz 240134003 Other 55971012 38 Unilateral congenital dislocation of hip PE300 48334007 Hip/Pelvis 8261751000006116 38 Injury of muscle of hand ^ESCTIN826175 812721000000109 Hand 310286013 37 Derangement of knee N07z 63643000 Knee 310410011 37 Recurrent dislocation of shoulder - anterior N083G 202210006 Shoulder 4378741000006111 37 Injury of knee ^ESCTIN437874 125601008 Knee 458317014 37 Acquired varus deformity of toe N35B 314038003 Foot/Ankle 490918018 37 Acquired claw hand N3606 367393006 Hand 624721000006111 37 Disorder of sacrum N146 12820001 Back 7301371000006113 37 Ganglion ^ESCTGA730137 445008009 Other 131561000006113 36 Strain of supraspinatus tendon S506 209416001 Shoulder 311187019 36 Annular tear of lumbar disc N12zD 202753007 Back 312562016 36 [X]Other acquired deformities of ankle and foot Nyu33 240240002 Foot/Ankle 314844016 36 Other anomaly of fingers NOS PF5rz 20948006 Hand 325464012 36 [X]Contusion of other and unspecified parts of foot Syu90 74814004 Foot/Ankle 325519012 36 [X]Unspecified injury of upper limb, level unspecified SyuBN 127278005 Arm 372794010 36 Elbow stiff N0952-1 249917001 Elbow 4395951000006111 36 Injury of lower limb ^ESCTIN439595 127279002 Leg 568921000006118 36 Closed traumatic subluxation costo-vertebral joint S49E6 209217008 Chest 895941000006117 36 Dislocated shoulder S41-99 269105005 Shoulder 256025013 35 O/E - reduced movement of arm 2H431 164535006 Arm 26511000006110 35 Other musc skeletal deformity PE9 73573004 Other 312092016 35 Juvenile osteochondrosis NOS N3263 19579005 Other 312298011 35 Deviation of finger N3625 203556007 Hand 312429014 35 Post-surgical scoliosis N3738 203647008 Back 312687017 35 [X]Other cyst of bone NyuB6 203465002 Other 319635017 35 Dislocation or subluxation of foot S48 208986008 Foot/Ankle 320137016 35 Sprain, elbow joint, medial collateral ligament S511 209429001 Elbow 320178019 35 Metacarpophalangeal sprain S5212 209464005 Hand 320518019 35 Rupture tendon of thumb S5S 209765005 Hand 427491000006114 35 [X]Sprain/strain of joint/ligam of oth & unsp part of neck Syu18 209557005 Neck 496648012 35 Juvenile osteochondritis of the spine N320 53406005 Back 5139461000006110 35 Juvenile psoriatic arthritis with psoriasis ^ESCTJU513946 239803008 Other 5459941000006116 35 Anterior dislocation of shoulder joint ^ESCTAN545994 263021005 Shoulder 8261971000006111 35 Injury of tendon of wrist joint ^ESCTIN826197 813111000000107 Wrist 130171000006116 34 Spontaneous joint dislocation N082-1 80406003 Other 219021000000114 34 Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring 66H-3 275902004 Other 311395014 34 Posterior shin splints N21y1 202889007 Leg 312680015 34 [X]Disorders of bone density and structure NyuB 76069003 Other 314833012 34 Congenital anomaly of finger PF5r 20948006 Hand 319442010 34 Dislocation or subluxation of wrist S43 208811007 Wrist 320209017 34 Volar plate injury, thumb, interphalangeal joint S523E 209492000 Hand 320248017 34 Partial tear, knee, posterior cruciate ligament S5422 209521000 Knee 320566014 34 Sternum sprain NOS S5y4z 54942004 Chest 398009018 34 Symptom: trunk posterior 1D24 267108004 Trunk 5865591000006118 34 Bandy legged ^ESCTBA586559 299331007 Leg 7967011 34 Degenerative spondylolisthesis N3842 4046000 Other 891911000006119 34 Pain in left arm N245-98 90834002 Arm 256052015 33 O/E - cervical spine abnormal 2H82 164562003 Neck 309824019 33 Juvenile rheumatoid arthropathy unspecified N0430 410793008 Other 310636011 33 Hip joint effusion N0905-1 202379000 Hip/Pelvis 310642010 33 Ankle joint effusion N0907-1 202383000 Foot/Ankle 311606010 33 Muscle atrophy N232 88092000 Other 311689017 33 Fibrositis N2401 56557000 Other 314888011 33 Other toe anomalies NOS PF66z 9989000 Foot/Ankle 320122015 33 Sprain, triceps tendon S50A 209421003 Arm 320184016 33 Sprain thumb, carpometacarpal joint S5220 209469000 Hand 320382014 33 Complete tear, ankle ligament S5D0 209633004 Foot/Ankle 372791019 33 Hip stiff N0955-1 249914008 Hip/Pelvis 377851000006114 33 Disorder of muscle Nyu8 129565002 Other 401537011 33 Rheumatism monitoring 66H-2 268524007 Other 41141000006111 33 Osteitis J064-1 44462005 Other 451083015 33 Injury of tendon of the rotator cuff of shoulder S5Q6 307731004 Shoulder 558931000006114 33 Clicky hips - congenital PE33-1 253949003 Hip/Pelvis 59922014 33 Chronic arthritis N06zB 35908007 Other 629981000006113 33 Dropfoot N36A-1 6077001 Foot/Ankle 6766451000006118 33 CRPS - Complex regional pain syndrome type II ^ESCTCR676645 408751001 Multiple 96651000006115 33 Torn Achilles tendon S5504-2 429513001 Foot/Ankle 131381000006111 32 Strain of infraspinatus tendon S503 209414003 Shoulder 221511000000115 32 Osteoarthritis of hip N05z5-1 239872002 Hip/Pelvis 310413013 32 Recurrent subluxation of shoulder - posterior N083D 202213008 Shoulder 310579016 32 Snapping shoulder N0878 202337006 Shoulder 312253017 32 Osteolysis N33zD 203522001 Other 312464017 32 Acquired chest or rib deformity NOS N383z 449466007 Chest 312702017 32 [X]Other disorders of bone development and growth NyuC6 76069003 Other 390421000006114 32 [X]Injuries to the abdomen, lower back, lumbar spine and pelvis Syu3 441051000000105 Multiple 405670016 32 Deformity of bone N36y2 271084006 Other 5511671000006115 32 Malignant neoplasm of soft tissue ^ESCTMA551167 269469005 Other 58951000006119 32 Weakness of joint N0960-1 67374007 Other 88796014 32 Juvenile osteochondrosis of spine N328 53406005 Back 130701000006114 31 Sprain finger, metacarpophalangeal joint, non specific S5231 209479003 Hand 320373015 31 Complete tear, knee ligament S5C 209625000 Knee 323941017 31 Other trunk injuries SK11 417163006 Trunk 411282018 31 O/E - lumbar pain on palpation 25C-3 275316003 Back 411302017 31 Ruptured Achilles tendon - traumatic S5504-1 275335003 Foot/Ankle 491821000006114 31 Arthralgia of distal interphalangeal joint of finger N094J 202485006 Hand 5852101000006115 31 Temporomandibular joint locking ^ESCTTE585210 298373009 Head 623471000006115 31 Dislocation of joint of upper limb S41-1 263017003 Shoulder 1142861000000114 30 Rheumatology disorder annual review 66HB 698706005 Other 159031000006110 30 Rupture of quadriceps tendon S5U0 6849006 Leg 159761000006115 30 Sprain of sacrococcygeal ligament S5731 90631008 Back 256102010 30 O/E - soft tissue crepitus 2HC4 164601001 Other 310020013 30 Osteoarthritis NOS, of hip N05zJ 239872002 Hip/Pelvis 310944013 30 Arthropathy of ankle and/or foot N096R 442246002 Foot/Ankle 312100017 30 Other osteochondritis dissecans of the elbow N3276 82562007 Elbow 312313017 30 Acquired deformity of knee N364z 5321004 Knee 314441018 30 Congenital subluxation of hip NOS PE31z 36172001 Hip/Pelvis 315761019 30 [X]Other congenital deformities of feet Pyu83 302297009 Foot/Ankle 320118013 30 Sprain, shoulder joint, anterior S5070 209417005 Shoulder 372789010 30 Ankle stiff N0957-1 249912007 Foot/Ankle 400353018 30 Curvature of spine associated with other conditions N374 77567004 Back 451465017 30 Disorder of bone N33zF 76069003 Other 4816351000006119 30 Posterior calcaneal exostosis ^ESCTPO481635 202883008 Foot/Ankle 491931000006119 30 Arthralgia of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger N094H 202484005 Hand 5461141000006111 30 Sprain of lateral ligament of ankle joint ^ESCTSP546114 263133002 Foot/Ankle 5721831000006111 30 Pain in left lower limb ^ESCTPA572183 287047008 Leg 753841000006117 30 Knee pathological dislocation N0826-1 202190001 Knee 892361000006112 30 Slipped femoral epiphysis-uppr N322-99 26460006 Hip/Pelvis 1715851000006113 29 Compartment syndrome SK0y7 111245009 Other 310287016 29 Joint derangement N08 398993007 Other 310949015 29 Joint finding N096z 118952005 Other 311446010 29 Extensor tenosynovitis of finger N220E 202915008 Hand 311719018 29 Fasciitis N244 36948007 Other 318012012 29 [X]Difficulty in walking, not elsewhere classified Ryu31 228158008 Leg 320151016 29 Sprain radial collateral ligament S5204 209442001 Wrist 320279018 29 Sprain, extensor tendon, foot S5516 209544002 Foot/Ankle 405678011 29 Deformity of metacarpal N36y9 271090005 Hand 405685010 29 Deformity of talus N36yH 271097008 Foot/Ankle 411893012 29 Arthritis monitoring 66H-1 275920008 Other 41281000006113 29 Osteoarthritis NOS N05z 396275006 Other 569231000006119 29 Closed traumatic subluxation shoulder S412 208774004 Shoulder 7863251000006113 29 Injury of muscle at forearm level ^ESCTIN786325 724940003 Arm 1231355011 28 Cubitus valgus - acquired N3601 54583007 Elbow 1231946018 28 Wrist drop - acquired N3605 59349003 Wrist 143197013 28 Bertolotti's syndrome F32z-1 86345004 Back 17705012 28 Bilateral congenital dislocation of hip PE301 10155006 Hip/Pelvis 216625013 28 Exacerbation of backache 16C8 135860001 Back 310024016 28 Osteoarthritis NOS, of knee N05zL 239873007 Knee 310172017 28 Unspecified monoarthritis of the lower leg N0666 699462004 Leg 310198011 28 Disorder of joint of shoulder region N06z1 444003007 Shoulder 310419012 28 Recurrent subluxation of shoulder - multidirectional N083K 202219007 Shoulder 310585011 28 Derangement of shoulder N08y1 13091000119107 Shoulder 311386018 28 Policeman's heel N2179-1 202882003 Foot/Ankle 312032019 28 Ischiopubic synchondrosis N3212 203368004 Hip/Pelvis 312209010 28 Avascular bone necrosis NOS N334z 397758007 Other 319508016 28 Open dislocation of finger S4410 54420005 Hand 320142012 28 Other forearm sprain S51x 262990008 Arm 320311012 28 Sacral sprain, unspecified S5730 209566009 Back 3216461000006116 28 Sprain of ligament of ankle joint ^ESCTSP321646 44465007 Foot/Ankle 325287019 28 Severe multiple injuries SRz0 213389000 Multiple 400303012 28 Other synovitis and tenosynovitis N220z 202900007 Other 501640011 28 Discoid meniscus - congenital PE8yB 70690000 Knee 505902017 28 Osteochondritis of the carpal lunate N3233 367356000 Wrist 511000006113 28 Interphalangeal joint of toe pain N096V 299576008 Foot/Ankle 569391000006114 28 Closed traumatic subluxation, sterno-clavicular joint, ant S49E3 209214001 Shoulder 764261000006111 28 Foot drop N36z-2 6077001 Foot/Ankle 82541000006118 28 Tuberculosis of vertebral column N304-1 35984006 Back 906561000006114 28 [RFC] Chronic back and neck problems HNG0161 906561000006105 Back 182671000006119 27 Recurrent joint dislocation, of the lower leg N0836 202245003 Leg 256079016 27 O/E - foot bone abnormal 2HAA 164583009 Foot/Ankle 26185013 27 Acquired postural lordosis N3720 15444000 Back 3060271000006116 27 Coccydynia ^ESCTCO306027 34789001 Back 311326016 27 Partial thickness rotator cuff tear N2114 202842005 Shoulder 312445011 27 Scoliosis in skeletal dysplasia N374A 203661003 Back 312453015 27 Other curvatures of spine N37y 77567004 Back 312521010 27 Psoriasis with arthropathy Nyu13 33339001 Other 359168010 27 Ankle arthritis NOS N06z7-1 239874001 Foot/Ankle 390401000006116 27 [X]Injuries involving multiple body regions SyuA 213345000 Multiple 391114012 27 Hand dislocation NOS S49x-3 108367008 Hand 405684014 27 Deformity of calcaneum N36yG 271096004 Foot/Ankle 495040011 27 Pyogenic arthritis N010 372939007 Other 510491000006113 27 Biceps tendon rupture N2262 428883008 Arm 558721000006114 27 Clicking 1st metatarsophalangeal joint N099J 202615006 Foot/Ankle 814701000006117 27 Haglund's disease - osteochondrosis of os tibiale externum N3255 203392007 Foot/Ankle 111690011 26 Reiter's syndrome A993-1 67224007 Other 131581000006115 26 Sprain, tarsometatarsal joint S5511 209539009 Foot/Ankle 2275711000000112 26 Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation second letter 9mM1 882421000000102 Other 256075010 26 O/E - hand bone abnormal 2HA6 164579009 Hand 310328014 26 Loose body in elbow joint N081B 202158006 Elbow 311378018 26 Enthesopathy of lower leg and ankle region N2170 302937000 Foot/Ankle 312470011 26 Acquired deformity of spine N385 77567004 Back 320375010 26 Complete tear, knee, medial collateral ligament S5C1 209627008 Knee 359579010 26 Ischial bursitis N215A 239993003 Hip/Pelvis 372801019 26 Locking of joint ESCTLO5 249923006 Other 396501000006117 26 [X]Malignant neoplasm/connective + soft tissue,unspecified Byu59 269469005 Other 400232013 26 Joint effusion of the lower leg N0906 267942009 Leg 40471000006116 26 Osteochondropathy N32z 77881008 Other 455431014 26 Prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc with sciatica N12C4 311804006 Back 497071000006114 26 Atlantoaxial instability N1488 202820009 Neck 5721851000006116 26 Pain in right lower limb ^ESCTPA572185 287048003 Leg 657981000006117 26 Extensor pollicis longus rupture N2269 209767002 Hand 99020011 26 Protrusio acetabuli N0860-1 59606006 Hip/Pelvis 131011000006118 25 Sprain thumb, interphalangeal joint, ulnar collateral ligament S5226 209476005 Hand 140651000006116 25 Shoulder girdle aches EMISHGT67 140651000006100 Shoulder 252313017 25 Back pain worse on sneezing 16C4 161893008 Back 309570016 25 Reactive arthropathy of hip N01w9 201567003 Hip/Pelvis 310205010 25 Arthropathy of joint of hand N06z4 428360003 Hand 312181015 25 Localised bone cyst, unspecified N3320 203465002 Other 3216441000006115 25 Sprain of ankle joint ^ESCTSP321644 44465007 Foot/Ankle 359171019 25 Arthritis of wrist N06z3-1 1771000119109 Wrist 3788301000006115 25 Bifid patella ^ESCTBI378830 79214007 Knee 400287014 25 Disorders of the sacrum NOS N146z 12820001 Back 409341000006112 25 [X]Other disorders of muscle in diseases CE Nyu8A 75047002 Other 543561000006117 25 Degeneration of cervical intervertebral disc N125 69195002 Neck 570891000006117 25 Closed traumatic dislocation shoulder joint, anterior (sub-coracoid) S4101 269106006 Shoulder 801311000006115 25 Acquired genu recurvatum N365 46101007 Knee 841591000006113 25 Hip clicks EGTONHI3 841591000006109 Hip/Pelvis 98163016 25 Congenital dislocation of knee PE41 59068006 Knee 13784591000006110 24 Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita ^ESCT1378459 111246005 Multiple 1779395011 24 Nodular fasciitis N2372 400138001 Other 219661000000114 24 Bursitis - shoulder N210-1 239961006 Shoulder 240351000006110 24 Pathological dislocation of proximal interphalangeal joint N082L 202186003 Hand 256011012 24 O/E - locked joint 2H2E 164522002 Other 288979019 24 Malignant neoplasm of connective and soft tissue of foot B3124 188004006 Foot/Ankle 291618010 24 [M]Soft tissue tumours and sarcomas NOS BBF 115224008 Other 311044019 24 Other inflammatory spondylopathies NOS N10yz 202649003 Back 311414010 24 Peripheral enthesopathy N21zz 111239001 Other 311523011 24 Subluxation of tendon, wrist or hand N226J 202975001 Hand/Wrist 320532017 24 Rupture of tendon of finger S5Tz 209770003 Hand 323940016 24 Other face and neck injuries NOS SK10z 417163006 Neck 359561011 24 Tenosynovitis of hand N2205-1 423778009 Hand 380093012 24 Sarcoma of bone and connective tissue B3-2 255067005 Other 3912841000006115 24 Acquired pes cavus ^ESCTAC391284 86900005 Foot/Ankle 405676010 24 Deformity of ulna N36y7 271088009 Arm 453481000006115 24 Acquired deformity of joint of lower limb N3670 240240002 Foot/Ankle 502473014 24 Slipped intervertebral disc N12-2 73589001 Back 558791000006111 24 Clicking interphalangeal joint of toe N099L 202617003 Foot/Ankle 890671000006110 24 Ankle/foot joint pain N0947-99 267954009 Foot/Ankle 92062017 24 Congenital pseudarthrosis of tibia PF6y6 55379003 Leg 11902311000006117 23 Sacroiliac joint pain ^ESCT1190231 202487003 Hip/Pelvis 155331000006111 23 Schmorl's nodes of lumbar region N1242 29574001 Back 163471000006113 23 Rigid flat foot N3401 203532008 Foot/Ankle 309816012 23 Flare of rheumatoid arthritis N040T 201791009 Other 310245018 23 Cyst of lateral meniscus N071A 202098006 Knee 310892014 23 Stiff knee NEC N095M 249913002 Knee 311746011 23 Other musculoskeletal limb symptoms N247 302293008 Other 312335013 23 Acquired forefoot adductus N367N 203589007 Foot/Ankle 312561011 23 [X]Other deformities of toe(s) (acquired) Nyu32 42251007 Foot/Ankle 372668014 23 Pes varus PE50-1 249809005 Foot/Ankle 400267013 23 Cervical spondylosis without myelopathy N110 267970006 Neck 461573010 23 [Q] Central disc prolapse Zw040 73589001 Other 491000006119 23 Finger joint painful on movement N096J 299061005 Hand 512110018 23 Tendon sheath giant cell tumor N2202 95412009 Other 568571000006113 23 Closed traumatic dislocation patello-femoral joint, medial S4631 208931007 Knee 569191000006112 23 Closed traumatic subluxation patello-femoral joint, lateral S4670 208954003 Knee 891941000006115 23 F.B. left in ankle/foot N246-91 6058003 Foot/Ankle 892351000006110 23 Juvenile osteochond-hip/pelvis N321-99 268022000 Hip/Pelvis 896211000006118 23 Sprained elbow S51-99 269134004 Elbow 131284014 22 Congenital elevation of scapula PF52 79120002 Shoulder 155341000006118 22 Schmorl's nodes of thoracic region N1241 86804002 Back 161571000006113 22 SAPHO syndrome N25 60684003 Other 255922017 22 O/E - ulnar deviation 2G25-1 164454008 Arm 310573015 22 Triangular fibrocartilage tear N0874 202333005 Shoulder 311312013 22 Peripheral enthesopathies and allied syndromes N21 202836006 Other 311481012 22 Cyst of bursa N2244 202941002 Other 314450016 22 Congenital dislocation of hip NOS PE3z 48334007 Hip/Pelvis 320235016 22 Other thigh sprain S53x 17883008 Leg 320343012 22 Complete tear ulnar collateral ligament S5A0C 209597008 Wrist 320548016 22 Jaw sprain NOS S5y1z 23415000 Head 390731000006118 22 [X]Injury of other muscles & tendons at ankle & foot level Syu9B 212475003 Foot/Ankle 400282015 22 Spinal stenosis, excluding cervical region N140 267980005 Back 400343019 22 Other and unspecified bone or cartilage disorders N33z 240134003 Other 576481000006115 22 Complete tear of scapholunate ligament S5A0G 209602001 Wrist 7298861000006114 22 Avascular necrosis of bone of hip ^ESCTAV729886 444849002 Hip/Pelvis 885611000006111 22 Temporomandibular joint dis. J046-99 41888000 Head 891011000006115 22 Coccygeal disorder NOS N147z-99 622741000000103 Back 101011000006114 21 Thumb trigger N2204-3 42786005 Hand 106931000006114 21 Thoracolumbar ankylosis N1485 202817001 Back 1230246016 21 Closed traumatic dislocation carpometacarpal joint S4304 45634004 Hand 137233019 21 Progressive myositis ossificans N2311 82725007 Other 1490679012 21 Conjoined toes PF14-2 38859008 Foot/Ankle 158631000006112 21 Rupture biceps tendon S5Q4 428883008 Arm 182981000006112 21 Recurrent subluxation of metacarpophalangeal joint N083h 202241007 Hand 240071000006115 21 Patellofemoral osteoarthritis N0536-1 450521003 Knee 310821011 21 Elbow joint pain N094D-1 202480001 Elbow 311064012 21 Cervical myelopathy N1113 202664003 Neck 311444013 21 Flexor tenosynovitis of thumb N220C 202913001 Hand 311449015 21 Tibialis anterior tenosynovitis N220J 202918005 Leg 312079019 21 Juvenile osteochondrosis of the foot N325 203392007 Foot/Ankle 312104014 21 Osteochondritis dissecans of other site N327y 82562007 Other 312456011 21 Curvature of spine NOS N37zz 64217002 Back 319368019 21 Closed subluxation jaw S402 208749002 Head 319376017 21 Closed traumatic dislocation shoulder joint, unspecified S4100 208754006 Shoulder 319684013 21 Dislocation of foot NOS S48z 208986008 Foot/Ankle 325434016 21 [X]Other specified injuries of wrist and hand Syu6L 127278005 Hand/Wrist 402886019 21 Closed traumatic dislocation of wrist, unspecified S4300 38556006 Wrist 411299017 21 Dislocation of fibula, distal end S47-1 275332000 Leg 471000006115 21 Finding of joint of toe N096T 299576008 Foot/Ankle 512112014 21 Villonodular synovitis N092 95412009 Other 568501000006119 21 Closed traumatic dislocation of shoulder NOS S410z 208754006 Shoulder 568641000006116 21 Closed traumatic dislocation sterno-clavicular joint S4962 209117003 Shoulder 729431000006111 21 Malig neop of connective and soft tissue of pelvis NOS B315z 363366009 Hip/Pelvis 891421000006115 21 Tendon rupture - knee N226-95 268002004 Knee 106481000006117 20 Degeneration of thoracic intervertebral disc N126 68675004 Back 2364511000000117 20 Shoulder joint painful on external rotation 1M03 921261000000101 Shoulder 2549731014 20 Undifferentiated inflammatory arthritis ESCTUN6 417180005 Other 256103017 20 O/E - soft tissue abn. NOS 2HCZ 268993003 Other 265861000006116 20 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, multiple sites N0549 268054009 Multiple 310173010 20 Unspecified monoarthritis of the ankle and foot N0667 699462004 Foot/Ankle 310762012 20 Pigmented villonodular synovitis of knee joint N092M 445266000 Knee 312564015 20 [X]Other derangements of patella Nyu35 239718003 Knee 317325010 20 [D]Head and neck symptoms NOS R04zz 267106000 Neck 320212019 20 Sprain wrist flexors S5241 209495003 Wrist 320284012 20 Sprain, lumbosacral ligament S560 209548004 Back 3609071000006114 20 Disorder of tendon ^ESCTDI360907 68172002 Other 391133019 20 Posterior dislocation of shoulder S4102-1 263022003 Shoulder 405675014 20 Deformity of radius N36y6 271087004 Arm 444889012 20 Keratoconjunctivitis sicca N002-1 302896008 Other 463301000006112 20 Adult-onset Still's disease N04y2 239920006 Other 4809281000006113 20 Systemic onset juvenile chronic arthritis ^ESCTSY480928 201796004 Other 5460271000006115 20 Subluxation of shoulder joint ^ESCTSU546027 263051004 Shoulder 757071000006113 20 Joint degeneration N05z-1 396275006 Other 891131000006110 20 Synovitis/tenosynovitis N220-99 202900007 Other 892711000006110 20 Musculoskeletal problems NOS N3z-98 660111000000108 Multiple 108781000006112 19 Ankylosis of temporomandibular joint J0460 50603008 Head 117414019 19 Congenital discoid meniscus N072-1 70690000 Knee 130691000006114 19 Sprain finger, distal interphalangeal joint, non specific S5237 209485005 Hand 158050019 19 Polymyalgia N20-1 65323003 Multiple 271751000006118 19 O/E lateral joint line tenderness EMISHGT73 271751000006102 Other 310174016 19 Unspecified monoarthritis of other specified site N0668 699462004 Other 310971013 19 Synovial osteochondromatosis of knee N098B 202586009 Knee 312299015 19 Rotational deformity of finger N3626 203557003 Hand 312320012 19 Acquired talipes NEC N3677 240244006 Foot/Ankle 312656019 19 [X]Other soft tissue disorders NyuA 19660004 Other 314511018 19 Congenital claw foot PE73 205092004 Foot/Ankle 319622014 19 Injury to multiple structures of knee S46C 208977003 Knee 320562011 19 Sternum sprain unspecified S5y40 54942004 Back 324001015 19 Injury of muscle and tendon at forearm level SK1C 212458009 Arm 325512015 19 Muscle and tendon injury SyuBF 312847008 Other 35274016 19 Progressive infantile idiopathic scoliosis N3733 20980008 Back 3649971000006118 19 Sprain of wrist joint ^ESCTSP364997 70704007 Wrist 453771000006113 19 Acquired deformities of hip N363 67321002 Hip/Pelvis 493220011 19 Congenital clubfoot - varus PE50-2 42162004 Foot/Ankle 507073012 19 Acquired cavus deformity of foot N3674 86900005 Foot/Ankle 5276711000006112 19 Abduction deformity of the foot ^ESCTAB527671 249803006 Foot/Ankle 5460051000006116 19 Dislocated patella ^ESCTDI546005 263029007 Knee 551000006114 19 Finding of sacroiliac joint N096L 418492000 Hip/Pelvis 65074016 19 Pelvic obliquity N386-1 38641008 Hip/Pelvis 68050018 19 Subacromial bursitis N211z-2 40799003 Shoulder 891101000006119 19 Bursitis - knee N2160-99 544491000000101 Knee 892621000006110 19 Hammer toe - acquired N354-99 679901000000106 Foot/Ankle 895951000006115 19 Dislocated elbow S42-99 208782004 Elbow 896221000006114 19 Sprain - hand S52-98 209436000 Hand 91494016 19 Muscle contracture N238 55033002 Other 130931000006116 18 Sprain of scapholunate ligament S520K 209457008 Wrist 255921012 18 O/E - arachnodactyly 2G24-1 164453002 Hand 264501000006118 18 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, other spec sites N0548 396275006 Other 309979014 18 Oligoarticular osteoarthritis, unspecified, of lower leg N0546 396275006 Leg 310222012 18 Medial meniscus derangement, unspecified N0700 111222003 Knee 311182013 18 Thoracic discitis N12z8 202748002 Back 311392012 18 Ankle or tarsus enthesopathy NOS N217z 302937000 Foot/Ankle 312302015 18 Acquired internal femoral torsion N3633 203560005 Hip/Pelvis 312321011 18 Acquired varus heel N3678 203575002 Foot/Ankle 314951014 18 Arthrogryposis, unspecified PFy2 111246005 Other 317434016 18 [D]Parasternal chest pain R0659 161974007 Chest 319415014 18 Closed traumatic dislocation of elbow, unspecified S4200 2651006 Elbow 319454010 18 Closed traumatic dislocation proximal metacarpal S4305 208818001 Hand 320150015 18 Distal radioulnar joint sprain S5203 209441008 Wrist 320278014 18 Sprain, flexor tendon, foot S5515 209543008 Foot/Ankle 320320015 18 Complete tear, shoulder joint S58 209575006 Shoulder 320546017 18 Jaw sprain, unspecified S5y10 23415000 Head 323948011 18 Other flank injuries SK116 417163006 Trunk 400258013 18 Stiff joint NEC, of the ankle and foot N0957 84445001 Foot/Ankle 400277010 18 Cervical radiculitis N134-2 11049006 Neck 5142461000006116 18 Baker's cyst of knee ^ESCTBA514246 240008008 Knee 757001000006119 18 Joint contracture of hand N0844 86414002 Hand 777711000006115 18 Inj of unspecified muscle & tendon at wrist & hand level SK1CW 127278005 Hand/Wrist 823951000006111 18 Hip osteoarthitis NOS N0535-2 239872002 Hip/Pelvis 135491019 17 Cervicalgia N131-99 81680005 Neck 13905331000006112 17 Repetitive motion disorder ^ESCT1390533 788465007 Other 1666701000000114 17 Osteitis of symphysis pubis N33zL 445473008 Hip/Pelvis 1786831018 17 Rupture supraspinatus tendon S5Q2 399346004 Shoulder 221591000000112 17 Semimembranosus bursitis N2160-1 240004005 Knee 256017011 17 O/E -joint synovial thickening 2H33 164527008 Other 310159018 17 Generalised arthritis N065A 202031002 Multiple 310954012 17 Walking difficulty due to lower leg N0972 202569003 Leg 310963014 17 Synovial osteochondromatosis of elbow N0983 202578009 Elbow 311164010 17 Cervical disc prolapse with radiculopathy N12C0 202733008 Neck 311303011 17 Other specified disorders of vertebral column N1y 410730009 Back 311354011 17 Tendonitis adductor N21z2-5 202863007 Leg 314532014 17 Congenital flexion contracture of knee PE8y8 205110009 Knee 319584017 17 Closed traumatic dislocation knee joint, lateral S4654 208940006 Knee 319630010 17 Closed traumatic dislocation ankle joint S470 208981003 Foot/Ankle 320138014 17 Sprain, elbow joint, ulnar collateral ligament S511-1 209429001 Elbow 320252017 17 Other specified leg sprain S54x 262994004 Leg 320544019 17 Other and ill-defined sprains and strains S5y 209409002 Other 390611000006116 17 [X]Injury of other & unspecif musc & tendons at thigh level Syu77 212467009 Leg 405687019 17 Deformity of metatarsal N36yK 271099006 Foot/Ankle 407171000006113 17 [X]Other bursa disorder NyuA7-1 10597006 Other 427141000006110 17 [X]Somatoform pain disorder Eu454-4 30077003 Other 4821541000006110 17 Overlapping toe ^ESCTOV482154 203541003 Foot/Ankle 592151000006113 17 Contracture of muscle N23yC 55033002 Other 623891000006117 17 Disorder of cartilage, unspecified N33zG 50927007 Other 78977014 17 Tarsal tunnel syndrome F355 47374004 Foot/Ankle 8262081000006117 17 Injury of tendon of shoulder joint ^ESCTIN826208 813331000000101 Shoulder 891971000006111 17 F.B. left in hand N246-94 6058003 Hand 109341000006111 16 Tenosynovitis of fingers N2205-3 240036003 Hand 11902301000006115 16 Proximal interphalangeal joint of finger pain ^ESCT1190230 202484005 Hand 130661000006118 16 Sprain finger, proximal interphalangeal joint, radial collateral ligament S5235 209483003 Hand 135401010 16 Dislocation of mandible S40-1 302964004 Head 310302011 16 Articular cartilage disorder N080z 53417006 Other 310415018 16 Recurrent subluxation of shoulder - inferior N083F 202215001 Shoulder 310643017 16 Effusion of ankle N090P 202383000 Foot/Ankle 310884017 16 Stiff elbow NEC N095D 249917001 Elbow 312267014 16 Peroneal spastic flat foot N3402 203533003 Foot/Ankle 312513016 16 [X]Other reactive arthropathies Nyu03 239783001 Other 314865010 16 Congenital deformity of hip joint PF63 2749000 Hip/Pelvis 319569014 16 Acute meniscal tear, lateral, radial S4613 208925009 Knee 320263019 16 Distal tibiofibular sprain S5503 209533005 Foot/Ankle 320268011 16 Partial tear, ankle, medial ligament S5505 209535003 Foot/Ankle 320387015 16 Complete tear, ankle, lateral ligament S5D01 209635006 Foot/Ankle 320579017 16 Other and ill-defined sprains and strains NOS S5yz 209409002 Other 323954012 16 Other axilla injuries SK120 48125009 Shoulder 359326018 16 Synovitis of elbow N220W 239816008 Elbow 359825012 16 Osteochondrodysplasia PG5z-1 240190009 Other 390961000006113 16 [X]Injury of unspecified muscle & tendon of ankle and foot Syu9C 212475003 Foot/Ankle 391074017 16 Tendon strain ESCTTE4 262972007 Other 400260010 16 Other joint symptoms of unspecified site N0960 57676002 Other 400265017 16 Vertebral column syndromes N1 267968002 Back 411298013 16 Dislocation of tibia, distal end S47-3 275331007 Leg 4820611000006117 16 Iselin's disease ^ESCTIS482061 203395009 Foot/Ankle 505951000006118 16 Benign neoplasm of connective and soft tissue shoulder NEC B7510 92398001 Shoulder 5459801000006112 16 Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint ^ESCTDI545980 263009006 Shoulder 576661000006110 16 Complete tear, acromioclavicular ligament S580 209576007 Shoulder 581851000006112 16 Congenital dislocation of hip NOS PE30z 48334007 Hip/Pelvis 5859711000006112 16 Shoulder joint instability ^ESCTSH585971 298854003 Shoulder 646111000006110 16 Enthesopathy of hip region N215 30936004 Hip/Pelvis 761911000006119 16 Flexor digitorum profundus tendon rupture N226D 209772006 Hand 8261961000006116 16 Injury of tendon of elbow joint ^ESCTIN826196 813101000000105 Elbow 895971000006113 16 Dislocated thumb S44-98 269111008 Hand 112059012 15 Contracture of tendon sheath N22y0 67425005 Other 114691000006114 15 Talipes planus - acquired N341 203534009 Foot/Ankle 130551000006116 15 Sprain & strain of oth & unsp parts of lumb spine & pelv S57X 309710005 Back 131451000006110 15 Sprain, mid tarsal joint S5514 209542003 Foot/Ankle 162381000006114 15 Rheumatol.dis. monitoring NOS 66HZ 268524007 Other 1785082014 15 Rheumatic pain N2403 279069000 Other 2478844015 15 Lateral meniscus, posterior horn derangement N0713 77860008 Knee 256072013 15 O/E - shoulder bone abnormal 2HA3 164576002 Shoulder 310233010 15 Derangement of medial meniscus N070z 111222003 Knee 310421019 15 Habitual dislocation of the shoulder N083L 202220001 Shoulder 310424010 15 Recurrent dislocation of elbow N083N 202222009 Elbow 310485014 15 Contracture of multiple joints N0849 202264009 Multiple 311045018 15 Spondylitis N10z 84172003 Back 311163016 15 Disc prolapse with radiculopathy N12C 202732003 Back 311454012 15 Peroneus brevis tenosynovitis N220P 202923005 Foot/Ankle 311610013 15 Other specific muscle disorder N233 75047002 Other 311688013 15 Rheumatism N2400 396332003 Other 311692018 15 Fibrositis of neck N2405 203104007 Neck 312193012 15 Avascular necrosis of bone, site unspecified N3340 397758007 Other 319417018 15 Closed traumatic dislocation elbow joint, posterior S4202 208786001 Elbow 319516013 15 Closed traumatic subluxation digit S442 208876006 Hand 320119017 15 Sprain, shoulder joint, posterior S5071 209418000 Shoulder 359546010 15 Bursitis of shoulder N2118 239961006 Shoulder 390741000006111 15 [X]Injury of other muscles & tendons at wrist & hand level Syu6D 127278005 Hand/Wrist 391112011 15 Arm dislocation NOS S49x-1 263017003 Arm 558851000006111 15 Clicking proximal interphalangeal joint of finger N0997 202604001 Hand 823841000006116 15 Hip girdle aches EMISHGT68 823841000006100 Hip/Pelvis 898351000006112 15 Bruise - wrist/hand SE32-99 211506004 Hand/Wrist 1210251018 14 Congenital dislocation of elbow PE8y2 371629001 Elbow 1220506018 14 Coxa vara - acquired N3632 12067001 Hip/Pelvis 131421000006118 14 Strain of long head of biceps S509 209420002 Arm 147834015 14 Progressive systemic sclerosis N0010 444133002 Other 1494989015 14 Lumbosacral sprain S560-99 209548004 Back 215551000000114 14 Sero negative polyarthritis N04y1-1 399112009 Multiple 308730016 14 Psoriatic arthropathy NOS M160z 33339001 Other 309574013 14 Reactive arthropathy of ankle N01wD 201571000 Foot/Ankle 310227018 14 Radial tear of medial meniscus N0706 202080007 Knee 310242015 14 Radial tear of lateral meniscus N0717 202095009 Knee 310373019 14 Pathological dislocation of knee joint N082Q 202190001 Knee 310496018 14 Flexion contracture - wrist N084L 202275008 Wrist 310815012 14 Arthralgia of other specified site N0948 57676002 Other 310881013 14 Stiff shoulder NEC N095A 249918006 Shoulder 310985015 14 Clicking acromioclavicular joint N0992 202599007 Shoulder 311192017 14 Intervertebral disc disorder N12zz 36427004 Back 312673017 14 Enthesopathy of foot region NyuAD 240028007 Foot/Ankle 312715014 14 Cartilage disorder NyuD 50927007 Other 312721013 14 Disorder of cartilage NyuDE 50927007 Other 314862013 14 Upper limb or shoulder anomaly NOS PF5z 66510004 Shoulder 319825013 14 Closed subluxation cervical spine S498 209134006 Neck 320244015 14 Partial tear, knee, lateral collateral ligament S5401 209517007 Knee 359624014 14 Postcalcaneal bursitis N223-1 240033006 Foot/Ankle 4378731000006118 14 Hip injury ^ESCTHI437873 125600009 Hip/Pelvis 451500011 14 Disorder of synovium N22yz-1 3519007 Other 451903015 14 Other synovial, tendon or bursa disorder NOS N22yz 399269003 Other 4816371000006112 14 Haglund's deformity ^ESCTHA481637 202883008 Foot/Ankle 5460341000006116 14 Subluxation of knee joint ^ESCTSU546034 263058005 Knee 575301000006114 14 Compartment syndrome, thigh SK0y4 212384002 Leg 775171000006118 14 Injury of unspecified muscle & tendon of ankle and foot SK1FX 212475003 Foot/Ankle 815501000006110 14 Arthritis of hand N06z4-1 448589005 Hand 8262071000006115 14 Injury of tendon of toe ^ESCTIN826207 813321000000103 Foot/Ankle 891041000006116 14 Tennis elbow - epicondylitis N2132-99 202855006 Elbow 895981000006111 14 Dislocated finger S44-99 269111008 Hand 131001000006116 13 Sprain thumb, interphalangeal joint, radial collateral ligament S5225 209474008 Hand 1831121000006116 13 Ankle anterior drawer test positive JHCAN23 1831121000006100 Foot/Ankle 2226881000000118 13 Posterior tibial tendon insufficiency N227 861061000000106 Leg 2275751000000111 13 Rheumatoid arthritis monitoring invitation third letter 9mM2 882441000000109 Other 248721000006117 13 Pain on stressing lateral collateral ligament EMISHGT79 248721000006101 Knee 256034015 13 O/E - fixed joint deformity 2H52 164544007 Other 310943019 13 Finding of subtalar joint N096Q 299526006 Foot/Ankle 311524017 13 Dislocation of tendon, wrist or hand N226K 202976000 Hand/Wrist 311663017 13 Other muscle, ligament and fascia disorder N23y 268006001 Other 312087018 13 Juvenile osteochondrosis of the foot NOS N325z 203392007 Foot/Ankle 312112018 13 Osteochondropathy NOS N32zz 77881008 Other 312447015 13 Scoliosis in neurofibromatosis N374C 203663000 Back 312657011 13 Bursitis of elbow NyuA0 712484007 Elbow 314759016 13 Upper limb anomaly, unspecified PF50 66510004 Arm 319621019 13 Tear of articular cartilage of knee, current S46B 208976007 Knee 320136013 13 Sprain, elbow joint, lateral collateral ligament S510 209428009 Elbow 320289019 13 Sprain, iliolumbar ligament S564 209553009 Back 320514017 13 Rupture tendon forearm or wrist S5R 209761001 Arm 320530013 13 Rupture extensor digitorum tendon S5T2 209774007 Hand 320558017 13 Chondrocostal joint sprain S5y31 209801006 Chest 400257015 13 Stiff joint NEC, of the lower leg N0956 84445001 Leg 400886010 13 Congenital spine deformity NOS PE2z 74877002 Back 4821551000006112 13 Overriding toe ^ESCTOV482155 203541003 Foot/Ankle 52463013 13 Polymyositis N004 31384009 Other 56659013 13 Lyme arthritis N010A-1 33937009 Other 568161000006110 13 Closed traumatic dislocation distal radio-ulnar joint S4301 57467003 Wrist 568911000006114 13 Closed traumatic subluxation costo-chondral joint S49E7 209218003 Chest 576541000006110 13 Complete tear, thumb, metacarpophalangeal joint, ulnar collateral ligament S5A11 209608002 Hand 891551000006113 13 Laxity of ligaments N234-99 27911000 Other 892391000006116 13 Osteochond dissecans N327-99 82562007 Other 896311000006110 13 Sprain - medial knee ligament S541-99 81902001 Knee 104925016 12 Hajdu-Cheney syndrome N33zK 63122002 Other 120088018 12 Relapsing polychondritis N33z5 72275000 Multiple 1481872012 12 Thoracic spondylosis N112-1 387802007 Back 1494889019 12 Tuberculosis of bones and joints A15 17653001 Other 23251014 12 Congenital cleft hand PF58 13624003 Hand 256022011 12 O/E - abnormal joint movement 2H42 164532009 Other 256036018 12 O/E - joint unstable 2H54 164546009 Other 309433011 12 Collagen disease N00z 81573002 Other 310239014 12 Lateral meniscus derangement NOS N0714 21333004 Knee 310435017 12 Carpal instability N083X 202231009 Wrist 310492016 12 Flexion contracture - elbow N084G 202271004 Elbow 310654010 12 Effusion of joint N090z 387637008 Other 310903012 12 Joint stiffness NEC, NOS N095z 84445001 Other 311162014 12 Lumbar disc prolapse with myelopathy N12B2 202731005 Back 311278016 12 Hypermobility of the coccyx N1471 202809009 Back 311696015 12 Myalgia and myositis unspecified N241 203108005 Other 311708016 12 Radiculitis N2422 82473003 Other 312287010 12 Other acquired limb deformity N36 240226003 Other 312430016 12 Scoliosis secondary to other treatment N3739 64217002 Back 312466015 12 Dysplastic spondylolisthesis N3840 203682009 Other 312496013 12 Segmental and somatic dysfunction N3y00 203708004 Other 312637012 12 Muscle atrophy Nyu84 88092000 Other 312649013 12 Tendon contracture Nyu93 274141009 Other 312679018 12 Enthesopathy of lower limb NyuAJ 312836001 Leg 314781014 12 Cleft hand with syndactyly PF582 205266000 Hand 319405015 12 Closed traumatic subluxation shoulder joint S4120 208774004 Shoulder 319559015 12 Acute meniscal tear, medial, anterior horn S4600 208915004 Knee 319603017 12 Closed traumatic subluxation knee joint S469 208959008 Knee 320310013 12 Sacrum sprain S573 209566009 Back 320527018 12 Rupture flexor digitorum profundus tendon S5T1 209772006 Hand 320537011 12 Rupture of tendon of lower limb S5V 281549008 Leg 320576012 12 Sprain of pelvis NOS S5y5z 209810003 Hip/Pelvis 3390741000006115 12 Sprain of ligament of knee joint ^ESCTSP339074 54888009 Knee 359328017 12 Shoulder synovitis N220z-1 239818009 Shoulder 391101011 12 Back sprain excluding lumbosacral S57-1 262995003 Back 400271011 12 Spondylosis NOS N11zz 8847002 Back 4395921000006119 12 Injury of upper limb ^ESCTIN439592 127278005 Arm 46489018 12 Congenital deformity of ankle joint PF6y1 27774009 Foot/Ankle 4812801000006114 12 Detachment of the glenoid labrum and/or capsule of the shoulder joint ^ESCTDE481280 202329003 Shoulder 4852291000006110 12 Rupture of ankle ligament ^ESCTRU485229 209633004 Foot/Ankle 51101000006111 12 Open traumatic dislocation of patello-femoral joint S464 208932000 Knee 757321000006110 12 Joint effusion of ankle AND/OR foot N0907 4819006 Foot/Ankle 80324016 12 Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy N114 48210000 Back 890081000006116 12 Torn medial meniscus N072-99 637181000000107 Knee 893411000006112 12 Spine anomaly - congenital PG1-99 74877002 Back 895991000006114 12 Dislocated finger NOS S44z-99 590671000000100 Hand 896481000006112 12 Sprained ribs S5y3-99 209799008 Chest 106668015 11 Subpatellar bursitis N2167 64166009 Knee 1491483014 11 Costen's syndrome J0461 386207004 Chest 1778711014 11 Supraspinatus syndrome N2110-1 202841003 Shoulder 189541000006115 11 Recurrent dislocation of hip N083l 429190007 Hip/Pelvis 217231000006115 11 Post-operative heterotopic calcification N2313 80116000 Other 2764811000006113 11 Garrod's pads ^ESCTGA276481 16687001 Hand 299380018 11 Myopathy Fyu82 129565002 Other 310175015 11 Unspecified monoarthritis NOS N066z 699462004 Other 310423016 11 Elbow - recurrent dislocation N0832-1 202222009 Elbow 310429017 11 Recurrent subluxation of radial head N083T 202227003 Arm 310462013 11 Recurrent subluxation of the ankle N083t 202251008 Foot/Ankle 310506010 11 Abduction contracture of hip N084W 202285009 Hip/Pelvis 310846011 11 Arthralgia of talonavicular joint N094R 202493006 Foot/Ankle 310895011 11 Stiff ankle NEC N095P 249912007 Foot/Ankle 311025014 11 Joint disorder NOS, of shoulder region N09z1 444003007 Shoulder 312199011 11 Avascular necrosis of the talus N3344 203478002 Foot/Ankle 312327010 11 Flexion contracture of toe joint N367E 203581005 Foot/Ankle 312663019 11 [X]Other bursitis, not elsewhere classified NyuA6 84017003 Other 315020010 11 Congenital anomalies of cervical vertebrae NEC PG1u 74877002 Neck 315759011 11 [X]Other congenital varus deformities of feet Pyu81 42162004 Foot/Ankle 319500011 11 Closed traumatic dislocation, distal interphalangeal joint S4403 208861003 Hand 319518014 11 Closed traumatic subluxation, metacarpophalangeal joint S4421 208878007 Hand 320219011 11 Sprain, extensor digitorum tendon S5262 209502008 Hand 320229016 11 Strain of quadriceps tendon ESCTST12 209507002 Leg 320543013 11 Other specified tendon rupture S5W 415749005 Other 321597018 11 Mallet finger with open tendon injury S9324 210586009 Hand 325487016 11 Dislocations, sprains and strains involving multiple body regions SyuA4 213367004 Other 400159012 11 Pyogenic arthritis of the pelvic region and thigh N0105 267880006 Hip/Pelvis 400347018 11 Acquired deformity of other limb parts N36y 240226003 Other 40511019 11 Eosinophilic fasciitis N00y0 24129002 Other 41261000006115 11 Osteoarthritis and allied disorders N05 396275006 Other 5278211000006115 11 Stiff back ^ESCTST527821 249921008 Back 5453841000006111 11 Injury of thumb ^ESCTIN545384 262520005 Hand 5459561000006111 11 Rupture of gastrocnemius tendon ^ESCTRU545956 262981001 Leg 575271000006112 11 Compartment syndrome of forearm SK0y1 212381005 Arm 581631000006116 11 Congenital deformity of hip, unspecified PF63X 2749000 Hip/Pelvis 736251000006113 11 Localized connective tissue disorder, unspecified M2V 105969002 Other 777771000006112 11 Inj/extensor muscle+tendon/oth finger(s) at forearm level SK1C4 312847008 Arm 891021000006111 11 Back disorder/symptom NOS N14z-99 666671000000106 Back 896011000006113 11 Dislocated knee S46-99 269112001 Knee 959971000006110 11 Limited range of motion EMISCLI3 959971000006106 Other