Supplementary data table contents description Table S1. Summary of annual geophysical surveys and respective anomalies (modified from14). +Burial date was 7th December 2007. *ADD based on average daily site temperatures at 0.3 m bgl (see14). Key: Good ; Medium ; Poor ; chances of success. N/A denotes data not collected. Table does not differentiate on target size, burial depth / styles, other depositional environments (see12,71) and other case-specific factors. Table S2. ERM raw annual datasets and summary statistics Table S3. ERI raw annual datasets and summary statistics Table S4. GPR raw annual data. Data has been supplied in two formats (SEGY and ReflexW .dat file). SEGY should be readable by any GPR processing software, ReflexW files can be processed and viewed in ReflexW, and may be exported into other file formats within the software. Datafiles follow the following naming convention to avoid confusion. "Antenna Frequency" "Year" "Month" "Target (W = wrapped, N = Naked). Table S5. Summary of monthly weather data used in this 10 year study from the Keele University meteorological weather station. Table S6. List of soil water data measurements derived during this study at the primary Keele test site (modified from48). Note Accumulated Degree Days (ADD) used the 0.3 m bgl soil probe data in Table S1.