Number of items: 17.
Data files for paper "Substrate-induced strain in molybdenum disulfide grown by aerosol-assisted chemical vapour deposition".
Dataset for EU POLKA project.
CPRD Medical and Product Codes.
ROS FLS Standard Proforma Based on Best Practice.
Guidelines for researchers sharing large data sets.
Diabetes (all types) - Read codes.
Frozen shoulder - read codes.
Thyroid dysfunction - Read codes.
Type 2 Diabetes.
Datasets for Everett, J., Brooks, J., Lermyte, F., Tjhin, V.T., Hands-Portman, I., Hill, E., Collingwood, J.F. & Telling, N.D. 2023, "Illuminating the brain: Revealing brain biochemistry with synchrotron X-ray spectromicroscopy", Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, vol. 266, pp. 147355.
Rumination and inhibition in task switching: No evidence for an association.
Report for EU POLKA project.
Input files of the most favourable adsorption sites of pentacene/TMD heterostructures in a 7x4 supercell.
Code List Giant Cell Arteritis.
Lists of experimental data for paper “Sustainable Supercapacitor with a Natural Rubber-based Electrolyte and a Natural Graphite-based Electrodes“.
CPRD Medical and Product Codes and ICD-10 Codes.
Geology Perceptions Survey Responses.
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 02:39:41 2025 UTC.